Helping Muslims believe in Jesus fully is no small task. Actually, it is a miracle of God that draws men to believe in Christ. One way that I've found that makes it somewhat easier for a Muslim to trust in Christ is through inter-faith dialogue aimed at leading Muslims to the Bible. The Bible contains the most accurate, detailed picture of Christ. The Muslim view of Jesus, while incredible, is incomplete. Muslims need to see Jesus Christ in the Quran, but eventually, they need the full dose of Jesus in the Bible.
I share this approach as one who's practiced this approach among Arab Muslims for some years now. Knowing what Islam says about Jesus is a doorway to leading sincere seekers of Allah to see, hear and know Jesus fully. For Muslims to believe in Jesus fully, we must find common ground and then share the truths of the Bible with them.
One approach that I've found helpful is to continually remind my Muslim friends of the instruction of the Quran which encourages dialogue between Christians and Muslims:
Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. And if ye do catch them out, catch them out no worse than they catch you out: But if ye show patience, which is indeed the best (course) for those who are patient. -S. Al-Nahl 16:125-126
This verse is most instructive. I've had the privilege of being able to open the Bible in extended studies with Arab Muslims based on the principles outlined in this verse. Sure, things get heated any time there's an honest comparison of Islam and Christianity. This verse, however, instructs Muslims to remain "patient" and "most gracious". Of course, I always endeavor to do the same.
I simply find common ground between the Quran and Bible. I bring up what is written about the Muslim holy books; the prophets of Allah, Islam and Jesus, or submission to the will of Allah and spring into what the Bible says about each of these topics. Muslims, not unlike other men, need exposure to the Word of Allah. This type of healthy inter-faith dialogue allows for this. Helping Muslims believe in Jesus is much more plausible when the ground rules for discussion and discovery are set and known. I pray you would find, through humble, diligent study, bridges between Islam and Jesus and be able to cross them with your Muslim friends and neighbors.
Wadia Abdullah Ibn Az-Zahir is an ardent follower of Christ who travels extensively throughout the Middle East sharing the Gospel with Arab Muslims. There's much more about using the Quran and helping Muslims believe in Jesus that can help us all produce more fruit. Wadia's simple approach uses these types of Quranic bridges to Christ and is field tested and Christ honoring.
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