The world is home to many religions and belief systems. There are numerous churches that all follow their own doctrine. In some cases the differences between churches are very small but in some cases they are fundamental. Numerous sects have also sprung up and some of them believe that their way is the only way to salvation. Such sects are often targeted by both other churches and by the general public. At present, many critics are doing everything they can to see the HOPCC exposed.
Those against the House of Prayer Christian Church use every means available to them to voice their opinions and to convince the general public that the church should be shunned and even closed down. They believe the church to be false and to be an evil influence in society. They use social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to promote debate and there is a number of websites dedicated to exposing the church.
Detractors of the church say that its recruiters lie to potential members, promising them that the church will look after all their needs and that the entire congregation treat each other as family that serves help and support. Critics say that this is a lie, and that only some members benefit from church outreach programs. They also accuse the church of quoting the Bible out of context.
Many critics testify that the church requires members to donate their material possessions to the church, apparently to make sure that all members share equally. Some allege that they were even required to donate their homes and cars and in some cases members were forced to resign their jobs. Without assets or an income it is easy for the church to manipulate its members.
Many critics say that the Hope of Prayer indoctrinates young people to turn their backs on their own families. According to some critics the church entices youngsters to join and once they have joined they are told that the church is their only family. Many examples of young people that have severed ties with their loved ones are cited on some of the websites.
The House of Prayer seminary is also under attack. According the church students and staff at the faculty are encouraged to close themselves from all worldly influences in order to achieve spiritual growth. Critics say that by denying the students and staff the ability to own possessions or earn an income the church is simply making sure that those unfortunate people can be manipulated at will.
The enemies of the House of Prayer do not limit their attacks to online criticism. Several attempts have been made to lay charges or to at least convince the authorities to investigate the church, its finances and its doctrine. However, the authorities maintain that they cannot launch any investigation without proof that laws are broken. Voluntary membership of the church is certainly not a crime.
Despite the sustained attack aimed at it, the Hope of Prayer church has remained quiet. They refuse to enter into public debate and they do not react to public criticisms. The church maintains that it is a spiritual home for its members. Members are encouraged to pray as often as possible and to grow as individuals.
Those against the House of Prayer Christian Church use every means available to them to voice their opinions and to convince the general public that the church should be shunned and even closed down. They believe the church to be false and to be an evil influence in society. They use social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to promote debate and there is a number of websites dedicated to exposing the church.
Detractors of the church say that its recruiters lie to potential members, promising them that the church will look after all their needs and that the entire congregation treat each other as family that serves help and support. Critics say that this is a lie, and that only some members benefit from church outreach programs. They also accuse the church of quoting the Bible out of context.
Many critics testify that the church requires members to donate their material possessions to the church, apparently to make sure that all members share equally. Some allege that they were even required to donate their homes and cars and in some cases members were forced to resign their jobs. Without assets or an income it is easy for the church to manipulate its members.
Many critics say that the Hope of Prayer indoctrinates young people to turn their backs on their own families. According to some critics the church entices youngsters to join and once they have joined they are told that the church is their only family. Many examples of young people that have severed ties with their loved ones are cited on some of the websites.
The House of Prayer seminary is also under attack. According the church students and staff at the faculty are encouraged to close themselves from all worldly influences in order to achieve spiritual growth. Critics say that by denying the students and staff the ability to own possessions or earn an income the church is simply making sure that those unfortunate people can be manipulated at will.
The enemies of the House of Prayer do not limit their attacks to online criticism. Several attempts have been made to lay charges or to at least convince the authorities to investigate the church, its finances and its doctrine. However, the authorities maintain that they cannot launch any investigation without proof that laws are broken. Voluntary membership of the church is certainly not a crime.
Despite the sustained attack aimed at it, the Hope of Prayer church has remained quiet. They refuse to enter into public debate and they do not react to public criticisms. The church maintains that it is a spiritual home for its members. Members are encouraged to pray as often as possible and to grow as individuals.