During the early days of man, way before known types of religion were introduced to the masses, people used to worship the things around them that they think to be a more powerful force that mankind. Almost all ancient civilizations had the sun as the chief deity, that most omniscient being that is responsible for everything on earth. Other old gods include the stars and the various phases of the moon. It is customary for the natives to offer gifts of sacrifice to volcanoes, mountains, and immense boulders to appease an angry spirit.
At the rise of Christianity and other religions, these pagan rituals were instantly considered as a form of devil worship. These traditions were banned and all related objects and occult supplies online were destroyed. Those who possess heightened senses are directly branded as demon spawns and are killed through biased and unjust trials.
Years after the medieval ages, the knowledge of this specific area remain. They have been passed on from generation to generation. Practices involving dark magic are very much still alive today, held in secret locations and are done privately among fellow believers. Though such practices are still regarded as of the devil, there is no denying that it is still an object of fascinating study for many.
Occult, in etymology, simply means hidden or secret. This word means knowledge about hidden things. This gained such a dark reputation over the years, and today people see occult practices as pertaining to the demon. In occultism, a person tries to look into the unknown to see things that normal beings are not allowed to see.
Occult is a very broad area that touches specific subjects such as astrology, or using the position of stars to determine the destiny of an individual. Divination practices such as fortune telling with the use of crystal balls and tarot cards that divine the upcoming events are also under occultism.
Interest in this field often begin as harmless curiosity of how these things work and if they are really effective. Most occult believers started out with playing what they think are games, such as the Ouija board. Little did they know, this game developed into something else and they suddenly find themselves buried deep in the wonders that occultism offers.
Even well known symbols seem to have their roots in occultism. Hand gestures like the ones done by rock stars, where they form a horn shape with the little an pointer fingers are believed to be a depiction of Satan. The victory sign is connected, allegedly, with the Illuminati.
Star signs that feature stars enclosed in circular shapes are also believed by many to have come from the devil. Popular diagrams such as the anarchy symbol, the pentagram, and the hexagram are all believed to be blasphemous. This results in a negative view towards rock fans, punks and goths who love brandishing these signs wherever they go.
Despite it being a form of satanism, there are still some people who can not simply turn away from the mystical aura exuded by magic. Today, there are still people who practice the ancient rituals. They make use of the different tools to make the dark side work for them, which makes them a most dangerous enemy to reckon with.
At the rise of Christianity and other religions, these pagan rituals were instantly considered as a form of devil worship. These traditions were banned and all related objects and occult supplies online were destroyed. Those who possess heightened senses are directly branded as demon spawns and are killed through biased and unjust trials.
Years after the medieval ages, the knowledge of this specific area remain. They have been passed on from generation to generation. Practices involving dark magic are very much still alive today, held in secret locations and are done privately among fellow believers. Though such practices are still regarded as of the devil, there is no denying that it is still an object of fascinating study for many.
Occult, in etymology, simply means hidden or secret. This word means knowledge about hidden things. This gained such a dark reputation over the years, and today people see occult practices as pertaining to the demon. In occultism, a person tries to look into the unknown to see things that normal beings are not allowed to see.
Occult is a very broad area that touches specific subjects such as astrology, or using the position of stars to determine the destiny of an individual. Divination practices such as fortune telling with the use of crystal balls and tarot cards that divine the upcoming events are also under occultism.
Interest in this field often begin as harmless curiosity of how these things work and if they are really effective. Most occult believers started out with playing what they think are games, such as the Ouija board. Little did they know, this game developed into something else and they suddenly find themselves buried deep in the wonders that occultism offers.
Even well known symbols seem to have their roots in occultism. Hand gestures like the ones done by rock stars, where they form a horn shape with the little an pointer fingers are believed to be a depiction of Satan. The victory sign is connected, allegedly, with the Illuminati.
Star signs that feature stars enclosed in circular shapes are also believed by many to have come from the devil. Popular diagrams such as the anarchy symbol, the pentagram, and the hexagram are all believed to be blasphemous. This results in a negative view towards rock fans, punks and goths who love brandishing these signs wherever they go.
Despite it being a form of satanism, there are still some people who can not simply turn away from the mystical aura exuded by magic. Today, there are still people who practice the ancient rituals. They make use of the different tools to make the dark side work for them, which makes them a most dangerous enemy to reckon with.