Prophetic Pastor Opportunities In The World Today And Contradictions Brought About By False Prophets

By Sally Delacruz

Rules and regulations guide the moral behavior of individuals in the society. In our homes, schools and churches worldwide there are a set of rules that govern people. In the church this rules are known as commandments found in the bible and spiritual leaders have been granted the mandate to interpret and teach Christians on how to uphold them. Pastors usually have the authority to interpret the word of God but prophetic pastor opportunities have made it difficult for them because of the emergence of false prophets.

Prophetic pastors are gifted people who can interpret the bible, foresee what the future has in store and deliver a certain message from God or warn people against something. For example a calamity about to unfold if people do not change their ways. While a prophecy is the power of foretelling future happening or it can be defined as a statement made by a prophet saying what will happen in the future. What these prophets say are definite and not mere facts.

Most people assume that prophecy is connected to judgment so we tend to become uncomfortable when we hear prophetically preaching. Other people are ready to change their ways of living by repenting and living righteously. That is why you will see that in churches and crusades many will want to surrender their old ways and turn to Christ.

A church should have prophetical pastors so that they can be able to interpret what is written in the bible, guide them in ways of the Lord and warn them against God impending punishment if they do not change their ways.

A church without a prophetic pastor will eventually wither and start losing its congregation one after the other and lose its true meaning. A church should be a prophetic voice to its nation, in that it should be able to warn or guide people on certain things against the laws of the bible.

Another characteristic that they posses is that they pretend to be able to speak in tongues, having the power to heal and performing all sorts of miracles. Mainly most of them know that most people seek repentance and be wealthy and from these they have been able to earn their source of income in the wrong way using the name of the Lord to benefit.

So many false prophets have emerged that it has become business to many. Differentiating the true from all the prophets has become hard but the common thing is that they will not speak about judgment and they keep repeating the same thing over and over. Many nations have freedom of worship and this has provided the false prophets an opportunity to exploit people. They drift people farther away from God especially the ones who want to live a righteous life knowingly and . Are not remorseful in any way.

Since most nations have granted their citizens the freedom of worship it has become very easy for these false prophetic to penetrate into the minds of people. People believe in them to the extent of showering them with monetary gifts such as luxurious houses cars and expensive clothing. What they say is taken as the truth and that they are definitely in the right path.

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