Life is such a mystery and many human beings often wonder how did we even get on this planet. I often wonder can God hear me at my most distressful times. Is he/she just sitting within the sky and laughing at me and all of my other sisters and brothers who are having problems. It seems that many individuals enjoy being cruel to others and they are never punished for this particular crime.
The rich people keep getting richer while all others fight desperately for survival. Whenever there are poor people around other human beings try their best to avoid them. No one can actually take a peaceful drive along the highway without seeing someone in need. These people will hold up posters which will display heartbreaking words.
The little amount of money that I give to these poor people will not really solve the problem. They need someone who is rich to come along and give them a job that will pay all of their bills. It is even worse when I am the only one who is willing to stop and even take up time with these individuals. Everyone else seems to rush by them without even giving eye contact. My prayers on this subject are never answered.
Any person living in New York City is very familiar with Broadway and other media stations that are around. Every human being that is performing in the theatre is related to someone who is rich and famous. President Clinton's daughter was able to get a job at NBC because of her parents name. Sometimes a creative ordinary individual can pray and chant all day long but they will never achieve fame. It seems as though nepotism opens the door for success.
It is amazing how many religious people are working on plain and simple jobs that do not pay that much money. All of these people go to church every week and they really believe in their moralistic savior. They will continue to work on these difficult jobs since the great Lord above does not believe in helping anyone who is not born into wealth.
Unfortunately anyone who is born as a gay black male should never hope for anything good to happen. These guys are always the target in society and they are the less desired human beings on this planet. There are other human beings that will also be ignored by the good wealthy Christians of this world but they are in a different category.
It seems as though this high and mighty power is only interested in helping people who display the correct color and sexual orientation. All other people are left on their own to obtain success. If an individual with influence does not like a person they can assassinate their character on every level. Sometimes it is very difficult to behave good when everything you receive is bad.
I have always been a strong willed person and do not need to rely on any invisible being for assistance. Each human living within this world has to learn how to be strong and fend for themselves. Unfortunately the great power above may have deaf ears when it comes to hearing prayers.
The rich people keep getting richer while all others fight desperately for survival. Whenever there are poor people around other human beings try their best to avoid them. No one can actually take a peaceful drive along the highway without seeing someone in need. These people will hold up posters which will display heartbreaking words.
The little amount of money that I give to these poor people will not really solve the problem. They need someone who is rich to come along and give them a job that will pay all of their bills. It is even worse when I am the only one who is willing to stop and even take up time with these individuals. Everyone else seems to rush by them without even giving eye contact. My prayers on this subject are never answered.
Any person living in New York City is very familiar with Broadway and other media stations that are around. Every human being that is performing in the theatre is related to someone who is rich and famous. President Clinton's daughter was able to get a job at NBC because of her parents name. Sometimes a creative ordinary individual can pray and chant all day long but they will never achieve fame. It seems as though nepotism opens the door for success.
It is amazing how many religious people are working on plain and simple jobs that do not pay that much money. All of these people go to church every week and they really believe in their moralistic savior. They will continue to work on these difficult jobs since the great Lord above does not believe in helping anyone who is not born into wealth.
Unfortunately anyone who is born as a gay black male should never hope for anything good to happen. These guys are always the target in society and they are the less desired human beings on this planet. There are other human beings that will also be ignored by the good wealthy Christians of this world but they are in a different category.
It seems as though this high and mighty power is only interested in helping people who display the correct color and sexual orientation. All other people are left on their own to obtain success. If an individual with influence does not like a person they can assassinate their character on every level. Sometimes it is very difficult to behave good when everything you receive is bad.
I have always been a strong willed person and do not need to rely on any invisible being for assistance. Each human living within this world has to learn how to be strong and fend for themselves. Unfortunately the great power above may have deaf ears when it comes to hearing prayers.