Every day one has to make decisions, each having their own consequences. The Bible is said to be a guide for Christians as it gives instructions on how to lead this life. The Scripture may sometimes lack answers for the questions we may have. There is another avenue of getting direction and that is through Christian prophetic guidance. This is a way of knowing what God intends for you.
When a person is under the guidance of God, there is normally strong prophetic guidance. This assures one that the message they receive is truly from God. God is fully aware of the struggles and hardships that this life has to offer. During these times, it is very important to hear his voice. It is like a drop of water while under the scorching desert sun.
This type of direction helps you be sure of what you have slight doubt about. This in particular is made easier by the presence of the Spirit of God and being an individual who constantly seeks Him. The information you get should not sound like news to you but it should click. You should be able to relate the information you are given with some sector of your life.
Prophecy is a bit complicated. It is supposed to direct individuals rather than state future events. It is like advice from a superior being. Since such people speak to God, we are able to know what He needs us to do. Afterwards we work at trying to do as is expected of us. This should be beneficial to the body of Christ and the individual.
It is good to identify the real prophets from the fake ones. Real prophets do not reveal new things or give predictions. They speak the word of God and try to make people understand it. This is by describing how certain scripture relates to the current times. The Bible is the standard for such teachings and should always be used.
The prophetic ministry can play an important role in worship. Those who speak of the wonder and glory of God can inspire believers to worship. Prophets can also speak words to strengthen and comfort people. This is important in the church especially in times of trouble. Dreams and visions can also be interpreted. Daniel is a good Biblical example of this.
A prophet may offer advice on the appropriate time to pray. This generally is because he knows what God is doing and knows where prayer is needed. They also offer correction in the society that they are in. Their role also involves exposing bad leadership in the church. Most times the people in church are too loyal to the religious leader to correct him.
Prophets play a major role here because they are said to be the spoke persons of God. Having been before God they have that aura. Their words are believed to be potent and effective. Not everyone believes in them. Those who do respect them, find it worth it to listen to their council. Though some are fakes, it is the choice of a believer to know who to believe.
When a person is under the guidance of God, there is normally strong prophetic guidance. This assures one that the message they receive is truly from God. God is fully aware of the struggles and hardships that this life has to offer. During these times, it is very important to hear his voice. It is like a drop of water while under the scorching desert sun.
This type of direction helps you be sure of what you have slight doubt about. This in particular is made easier by the presence of the Spirit of God and being an individual who constantly seeks Him. The information you get should not sound like news to you but it should click. You should be able to relate the information you are given with some sector of your life.
Prophecy is a bit complicated. It is supposed to direct individuals rather than state future events. It is like advice from a superior being. Since such people speak to God, we are able to know what He needs us to do. Afterwards we work at trying to do as is expected of us. This should be beneficial to the body of Christ and the individual.
It is good to identify the real prophets from the fake ones. Real prophets do not reveal new things or give predictions. They speak the word of God and try to make people understand it. This is by describing how certain scripture relates to the current times. The Bible is the standard for such teachings and should always be used.
The prophetic ministry can play an important role in worship. Those who speak of the wonder and glory of God can inspire believers to worship. Prophets can also speak words to strengthen and comfort people. This is important in the church especially in times of trouble. Dreams and visions can also be interpreted. Daniel is a good Biblical example of this.
A prophet may offer advice on the appropriate time to pray. This generally is because he knows what God is doing and knows where prayer is needed. They also offer correction in the society that they are in. Their role also involves exposing bad leadership in the church. Most times the people in church are too loyal to the religious leader to correct him.
Prophets play a major role here because they are said to be the spoke persons of God. Having been before God they have that aura. Their words are believed to be potent and effective. Not everyone believes in them. Those who do respect them, find it worth it to listen to their council. Though some are fakes, it is the choice of a believer to know who to believe.
About the Author:
You can visit www.propheticministries.org for more helpful information about Information About Christian Prophetic Guidance.