Maintaining A Progressive Christian Blog

By Marci Nielsen

Running a Christian site can be a challenging, but rewarding task. You will find that there are many challenges you need to overcome along the way in order to become a successful blogger. In order for you to run a Progressive Christian Blog, there are a number of things that you need to know.

Any content you create should be done so in the name of Avodah. This is the name used in the scriptures to refer to service, worship and art. The three are woven together and are very important when it comes to spreading the word of God to the other believers.

When you focus too much on the numbers, it becomes easier for you to lose track of the word of God. It is therefore encouraged that one does not focus on the numbers too much. It is always important for you to make certain that you do not lose sight of why you are blogging in the first place.

As a blogger, you must be willing to completely surrender yourself to the lord and his word. Consider his teachings and the scriptures when preparing any content for publishing. All this is an important part of owning a good Christian site that attracts followers.

Consider your niche. When choosing a topic to write on, you should try and find a specific topic that you would like to cover. Try and make your site specific and you will not only please your readers, but the search engines as well.

Your content should be able to resonate with your readers. This will mean providing information that will add value to their lives. Make certain that the content is well researched. Do not publish anything that you may have doubts about.

All successful sites must be properly marketed. Without marketing, readers will not be able to know of your existence. You therefore need to consider the marketing options that are available to you based on the kind of budget that you have in place. Regular and proper marketing helps guarantee a continuous flow of readers.

Interaction between you and the readers is very important. Set aside some time to be used in going through the comments posted by your followers. Once you do this, remember to reply to the comments as well. Interacting with the readers encourages them to come back again in the future.

Ensure that there are lots of images present with your postings. People love images and some of the best sites worldwide are those that incorporate images in their posts. A reader will usually scan the web in search of images that help reduce the monotony that comes with reading texts only.

Structure your content in such a way that it becomes easily readable. Remember that some people will only want to skim through without having to read all the paragraphs. Therefore, ensure that bullets are part of your work. Use of bullets makes it easier to skim through the articles without missing out on anything.

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