By Seeing A Marriage Counselor Arlington TX Couples Can Often Avoid Divorce

By Janet Wood

Nobody will deny the fact that the divorce rate is extremely high and steadily rising even higher. When a relationship disintegrates their are always mixed feelings, regret and even anger and disappointment involved. If a divorce is not managed carefully it can cause immense harm to all the parties involved. By seeking help from a marriage counselor Arlington TX couples can perhaps avoid divorce and settle their differences.

Getting divorced is much easier than it used to be. In the past, society shunned divorced individuals and the courts did not automatically grant divorce on request. Times have changed. Today, divorce is common place and no longer socially unacceptable. Millions of children have to cope with parents no longer living together and millions more grow up in single parent homes where their parents were never married in the first instance.

Relationship experts maintain that most relationships can be saved if the parties involved are willing to work on the relationship and to seek professional help. This is especially the case in long term relationships and where there are children involved. Divorce can have a devastating effect upon children and it is worth making a concerted effort, even if it is just for the well being of the children.

Couples opting for therapy often do so because they are loath to forego a lifetime of saving and building the financial security of the family. They try to salvage the relationship because they realize that a divorce is not only expensive but that it can destroy years of careful planning and sacrifices. They know that a divorce will also seriously impact upon the lifestyle they grew used to.

Couples often fail to reconcile, even after agreeing to make the effort and in many cases it is because they do not obtain professional help. A professional therapist will help the couple to identify the causes of the break down in the relationship. The parties involved are seldom able to stand back and identify the relevant issues in an objective manner and to find a common middle ground.

Experts agree that it is better to choose a therapist not previously know to either party. Both parties need to resolve to be totally honest with the therapist and with each other and to truly make an effort. It is also important to understand that no therapist can save a relationship. He can only act as facilitator and use his experience and training to steer the therapy sessions in the right direction.

In some cases no amount of therapy can save a relationship. If one party is aggressive, abusive and refuses to cooperate it may be better to proceed with a divorce. This is especially true if there are children suffering from such abuse and aggression. Even the most experienced therapists will admit that not all relationships can be salvaged. In fact, in some cases a divorce is truly the best solution.

Where feasible, everything possible should be done to save a relationship. In many cases a qualified therapist can provide invaluable assistance. If this cannot be done the couple should at least try to agree to an uncontested divorce. Contested divorced are messy, open to public scrutiny and expensive. Uncontested divorces are private and more dignified.

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