Understanding The Episcopal Church In Davidson NC

By Michael Meyer

When it comes to religion, there are a number of options. While most are raised according to parental beliefs, lifestyle and spiritual aspects, others prefer to continue searching for truth. For, regardless of whatever religious or spiritual path one chooses, the only visible proof is that creation and the universe are a great mystery. Searching is one aspect of spirituality that the Episcopal Church in Davidson NC and other areas promotes.

While not an evangelical branch, different churches still hold different beliefs when it comes to issues like abortion and same-sex marriage. As such, it is important that women and those in the LGBTQ+ community understand the concept of a welcoming congregation. For, while most are fairly open-minded, there are also some more conservative ministers and churches still found under the Episcopal umbrella.

Being one of the oldest sects of Christianity, and having been born out of Catholicism, older congregations are often more conservative than younger ones. In addition, the beliefs and rituals among different congregations can also vary. As such, it is important that individuals understand the difference between traditional forms of the belief system and those which are more welcoming.

A welcoming congregation is a congregation that believes in equality. It is a congregation that accepts all people and believes that each and every individual deserves dignity, honor, kindness and respect. In some cases, ministers teach tolerance over acceptance. While tolerance is often appreciated, it is not acceptance nor does it speak to a welcoming congregation. For, unless people accept one another with open minds, open hearts and open arms, it is not acceptance.

The Book of Prayer, the Bible, hymnals and prepared text are often used in each Episcopalian worship service. Unlike other churches in which there is generally a greeting, music and sermon, the congregation plays a vital role in the service. For when it comes to the Episcopal service, the congregation interacts with deacons and ministers with the Common Book of Prayer. In this aspect of worship, the minister will read a prayer from the book. After which, the congregation will respond in kind with a provided response.

Another spiritual aspect that separates this branch of Christianity from others is the call and response format used in prayer and communion. In most cases, the deacon or minister will provide a reading from the Common Book of Prayer to which the congregation will provide a verbal response. While in some churches all those whom have been baptized are welcome to take communion, others require membership.

Depending on the minister and congregation, some churches will allow visitors to accept communion if one has been baptized in the past. While some offer this option, it is quite rare. For, most Episcopalians believe that one must complete the confirmation process, be baptized and become a member before receiving communion.

One of the biggest differences between the Episcopalians and other branches of Christianity is that the church also urges members to continue a search for truth. After which, once the individual has become aligned with a specific congregation, the individual must complete a confirmation process to become a member. Whether or not the new member need be baptized often depends on the independent church and leaders such as deacons and ministers.

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