Tips To Use When Making Your Save The Date Cards

By Joyce Richardson

You can notify your guests about your upcoming wedding even when the event is still many months away. You can do this by using save the date cards. Even though this is optional, it is important for many reasons. It can help individuals who are planning to travel long distance to prepare well in advance, for instance, by organizing childcare, pet sitting or house sitting. Plus it helps your friends and family to know that you are engaged and to free themselves from any engagement they might have during busy seasons. Here are some helpful things to keep in mind when making and sending out the invitations.

The earlier you send out the invitations, the better. If you wait until too late to send the invites, then you are better off just sending the wedding invitations. Send the save the date invites many months before the day of the wedding. This will require that you make up your mind about which day the event will be held and where the ceremony will take place.

You do not have to mail out the cards to everyone, just mail them to a select number of individuals. These are people that you do not want to miss the wedding. Also, send them out to people who you want to be on your bridal line up. It is also important to let your friends who stay far away know early, so that they can plan to travel to the event.

Do not include too much information, just what is necessary for the invitees to know. This includes the venue of the wedding, the day and who will be getting married. You will provide them with more details in the wedding card, so no need to include everything here. Make sure to address the person you are sending the invite to appropriately.

Even though electronic invitations can work, consider sending cards through postal mail. This makes things more formal and serious. However, if you must send out electronic invites consider doubling them up with paper correspondence. This will work well for older relatives or people who may want to keep the invites as keepsakes.

It is advisable to include a link to your wedding website, if you have one. This way, people can find out more information about the planning as the wedding day draws nearer. Include your registry information on your wedding website but not on the card.

You can choose to include photos on the cards or not to include photos. It depends on your preferences. When choosing which photos to include in the invitations, consider using engagement photos that you took. Alternatively, you can just use any couple photo of you two in the invitations.

Sometimes you may make an error and have to correct it. If the error is too grave, then you may have to order a reprint. However, if it is a slight problem, find a fun way to solve it. Like if you have forgotten to include a minor detail, just buy a rubber stamp and stamp it on the card. Then again, you can just call everyone and give them the correct information.

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