Benefits Of Bible Study During Children Ministry And Gospel Prayer Service

By Karen Young

Reading the word of God is an incredible thing that all Christians need to make it a routine. It is important for each person to have spiritual growth. One should always strive to know more of the word of God so as to know the plan that God has. By having Bible study during children ministry and gospel prayer service, you and your kids will get some benefits that will make all of you to grow spiritually.

Studying the word of God will make your life to be complete. All the scriptures are direct inspirations from God. It does not require any addition or elimination of any single verse. The words contained in the Bible are direct words from God that are able to change the life of any person. Ensure you involve yourselves actively studying the word of God so as to understand what God wants you to do.

The word of God is reliable and cannot contradict. You might at times come across a contradicting verse that can be hard to interpret its meaning. By attending a children ministry, you will discuss and find out the correct meaning of the scripture. Also, one will know the correct way of reading and interpreting.

Looking to know more about God gives a person confidence of the salvation that he or she has received. Once a person confesses his or her sins, He or she accepts to follow Jesus Christ. Therefore, such a person will need to be reading the Bible often in order to know what God requires him or her to do. The word of God will equip one with Christian principles that can be applied in real life.

By reading, one gets to persevere in times of trials and tribulations. This is because one will get to know the type of experiences that people in the Bible passed through and what they did to pass through them. Also through the ministry, you will know that God is faithful and will fight for you in times of your needs.

During Bible study fellowship, one is able to share freely different experiences that he or she may be going through. By so doing, the members will pray with you for a breakthrough in your life. They can also offer you scriptures that will be of help in overcoming the tough experiences in your life.

Knowledge of the scripture will create peace of mind in an individual. This is because the worries of life will not be a concern to you. It is always important to be read the bible and understand it during any ministry so that you are prepared to face challenges that come your way.

It is important to know the scripture and at the same time to do what it says. Thus, having a Bible study group will help each member to emulate the principles that are found in the word of God. This will be a good way to set an example to other Christians.

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