Constructive Roles Of Prophetic Ministry

By Susan Sanders

For any congregation to grow to the required levels of faith, different gifts are put to use. God uses various people to perform various tasks for the general edification of the body of Christ. Every church member may have a role to play differently from each other. In discussion are constructive roles of prophetic ministry that will define much more on the effect of the department in church.

They lead a church in overcoming challenges. Prophets are set forth by God to help congregation shun away from negative perspectives that are not driven by word of God. They are used to pass wisdom to the congregation on the things of God thereby bring them onto the path. This office will provide all the necessary resources to bring things into order and avoid negative influence.

It defines a vision. This office is used by God to give a church interpretation of visions and things to come in future. The person with the gift can release the anointing to bring the vision into reality. They gave direction on what to do to arrive at the desired destination. They hold the churches and lead them towards the vision that the Lord has for each.

They help deliver the message of God. The church and nation are addressed through this office. Sometimes traditional practices take root in the church and cause them to go astray. At times the customs and bad habits encroach among brethren and cause serious defilement. As a watchdog of the word of God, they rebuke these practices and set the congregation onto the line again.

They encourage and inspire brethren. Sometimes things become difficult, and the congregation is in a state of giving up. This office stands out to stir up action among them to make them work out their faith. This step brings life to the congregation. It offers a powerful influence that keeps the entire congregation on toes towards their goals. They keep a church in progress through divine inspiration.

They administer renewal and refreshment of the general body of Christ. New revelations bring life to those giving up. Offers direction and hope in what they want to achieve. Solutions to various problems are sent via prophets thereby bringing rest from negative influence and state of lowliness. Tribulations and other forms of hardships may kill the moral of moving forward and thus need for renewal.

They offer direction and interpret dreams. Through teachings and preaching among other methods, the prophets are in a good position to offer guidance. They bring forth purpose in life and general understanding of things that are happening. They help the congregation to understand the destiny God has for them. They usher them into the next face of advancement.

They foster unity among members of the body of Christ. Normally, divisions may arise in many groups of believers. The prophets are entitled to the task of uniting them back for a common purpose. They help in uniting them spiritually and leading into the fulfillment of the visions. They also work in worship and help in the organization of worship as God wants.

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