A Baptist Church MD Strictly Adheres To Bibilical Values

By Donald Collins

Religion is an important thing. Since time immemorial, humans have always had a sense of religion. It is good to believe in a Higher Being. The major religion on earth is Christianity. The other big religions are Islam and Judaism. There are many Christian denominations. One of them is the Baptist church. This denomination started in the United States of America. A Baptist church MD has many followers. Other Christian denominations are Protestantism and Catholicism. The latter is the most popular Christian denomination. It has its headquarters in Rome, Italy, and it is headed by a pope.

It is easy to identify a true Baptist. One will not have to struggle to identify such a person. It is just like the Bible says that it is very easy to separate the chaff from the wheat and that is exactly what will happen at the end of time. The true believer has uncompromising belief in Biblical values. He is a person who values morality.

The foundation of any strong nation is morality. That is the case with United States and other Western countries. Without morality, a society will be as good as dead because everyone will be free to commit every evil that he wants to commit. The basis of morality is the Ten Commandments. The most vital commandment is to have love. Hate is bad.

The two vital steps that have to be taken to become a Baptist are repenting and getting baptized. Without these two steps one is not a Christian because one has not been cleansed of sin. It is sin that has caused a lot of suffering on planet earth. In heaven, there will totally be no any kind of sin.

Before one is forgiven any sin, he has to repent. That simply involves acknowledging in the heart that one is a sinner who requires forgiveness. After the repentance process, one will get baptized. In most cases, that involves the total immersion in water. However, for the case of Catholics, it is also the head that is exposed to water.

Baptism is something that should not be taken lightly. It should be given the seriousness that it deserves. After being baptized, one should totally turn away from sin and pursue the path of righteousness, with all his heart. There would be moments where a mortal human being can stumble. One should quickly lift himself from the fall and return to the path of righteousness.

To be strong in the faith, one should read his Bible every day. The Holy Bible has the Old and New Testaments. Both of these Testaments are important for Christian growth. Praying must be a vital part of the Christian lifestyle. Apart from praying and reading the Bible, church membership is also desired. One should always strive to attend the Sunday service.

Christianity has been around since time immemorial. Dictators and mighty empires have risen and fallen. However, Christianity has remained steadfast even in the face of the torturing and imprisonment of believers just because of exercising their faith. Christianity is going nowhere. As a matter of fact, it is here to stay. Heaven and earth will pass away but no single biblical word will pass without being fulfilled.

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