The Various Roles Of A Jewish And Christian Wedding Rabbi

By Melissa Kennedy

Jewish and Christian heterosexual weddings are full of crucial rituals which symbolize the holiness and beauty of husband and wife as well their obligations to each other. The various rituals are typically presided over by a sacred teacher called the rabbi. He is a highly honored person among the Jewish community for he presides over weddings as he acts as a harbinger of the Highest to cleanse the groom and the bride as they merge into a new soul. Therefore, the Jewish and Christian wedding rabbi heralds happiness and holiness to the life of couples.

Mostly, he engages himself in divinity roles as he undertakes strategic actions like encouraging members of the society to lead simple lives. Similarly, they help develop important community attributes thereby enabling the preservation of desired community morals. Also, he devotes most of his abilities and skills to make sure that wedding occasion goes as planned and are by the ways of the traditions.

Being a religious leader, he leads people to the synagogue in a personified nature of the spiritual form according to the rules outlined in the Torah book. Therefore, he has a divine responsibility of being the leading cloud pillar for the members of the society to live moral lives and to respect marriage by avoiding adulterous illicit. Therefore, he takes a full role of instilling the desired moral and spiritual conduct to the members of a society.

He strictly plays a role in ensuring that wedding procedures are by their traditions. This makes him have supreme control of the tyrannous activities in a wedding ceremony. For instance, he ensures that the bride is veiled appropriately for which it is a symbol of purity and shows how her soul and character had been in prudishness. This does not necessarily manifest physical beauty, therefore; he is obliged to make a suggestive reminiscence to approve the bridal ritual.

He, therefore, recites the betrothal blessings to couples which are associated with sanctification prayer. These events are carried out under an open canopy as the ritual teacher orders. This acts as a symbol of the new home that couple will build together with open sides to welcome all in egregious hospitality. Similarly, he further recites deep explanations for having the wedding conducted under the stars. This is because it acts as a sign of blessings which was given to patriarch Abraham by God; to have as many children and descendants as the stars of the heaven.

Similarly, he presides over the actual marriage section of vows exchange where he keenly follows the set procedures to perform it. Therefore, he also performs both the prior and post rituals that crown the events. Similarly, he guides the couples as they make the supreme promise before the congregation and the Highest.

Similarly, he seals the marriage contract by outlining the various responsibilities of both couples to each other and that no one should contrary to the outlined obligations. Therefore, the marriage should be solemnized in all cases because it is ordained in sacredness.

Therefore, a Jewish, as well as Christian rabbi, plays critical roles in the society majorly in the faculty of marriage. Their perseverance in ritual performance has enabled them to safeguard and preserve sacred traditions that are binding to one another.

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