Things About The Pentecostal Faith Fellowship

By Edward Foster

Many Christians are affiliated to this faith. The main focus is the works of the Holy Spirit and other Biblical inspiration. They attest that salvation is gained only through believing Jesus Christ as the only Savior. Such belief is termed as being born again. The following are vital aspects of the Pentecostal faith fellowship that Christians should acknowledge.

Their origin. The denomination is based on the book of acts when the church was still at its inception stage. The event of Pentecost marks the inception of the spread the word throughout the world. The occurrence was meant to fulfill the prophecies of Christ and John the Baptist about the baptism through the Holy Spirit.

The term Pentecostal can be used to explain a group of churches. Churches which share common doctrines are renowned as a Pentecostal. Some of the common doctrines that these churches share include baptism, ordination, and manifestation of Holy Spirit gifts. That is why there are groups such as Assemblies of God, the Full Gospel international and others. Every member is independent despite being part of this denomination.

Groups of this religion believe in different doctrines. There are different practices that make this religion different from the others. The most common doctrine is baptism by immersion as depicted by Jesus during his baptism. They also believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and its numerous gifts. They still believe in the power of divine healing but do not assume the existence of medicine and doctors.

Belief in the gifts from God. There are seven gifts that are believed to be from the Holy Spirit. The main gift is speaking in tongues which manifest in two forms. They include glossolalia which is speaking in a tongue which is unknown. The other one is referred to as xenoglossy which is speaking at a language which is understandable. Other types of gifts that are considered to be holy include wisdom, interpretation of tongues among others.

The gospel considers a literal form of biblical interpretation. The application of biblical teachings just as they are is described as literal interpretation. In that case, members are expected to apply most things that are taught in the scriptures in their life. Some churches disagree with this concept especially those which are adopted from the Old Testament. They tend to adopt the Bible as a guide that helps them to live righteously.

They know how to evangelize in this denomination. Spreading the word of God is the main focus of this movement. There are different ways that are used in this process. It can be done by preaching the word, charities, and worship. They believe in expository preaching which enhances the Biblical literal application which is another method that is exercised is the lifestyle evangelism. The provisions are clear that one should live according to the biblical teachings to be a good example to non-believers.

There are about two billion people who are affiliated with this gospel. Growth is being experienced in the United States, Africa and in some countries in the European continent. Places like South America is still facing challenges in its spread due to the existence of Catholicism and in the Islam countries.

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