Nobody knows when Jesus Christ will come again. Christians ought to remain ready for his coming. Believers across the world have been waiting for this great moment. You have to prepare yourself for the glorious return of Christ. According to the Bible, no man knows the time when the second return will take place. Not even the angels are aware of this coming. Some great prophets have talked about this coming. They argue that children of light are going to know this season. The Bible encourages believers to stay awake and sober. The world is increasingly growing due to the many evils going around. People are now ripening for the judgment of God. This article talks about how to prepare for Parousia.
Pray without giving up. Make prayers your daily practice. Prayers give one an opportunity to communicate with their maker. If you are eager to know the next coming of the Messiah, go on your knees. God is faithful, and he will reveal this to you. Prayers also keep you close to God. A prayerful person is more focused and has a strong faith.
Guild and prepare yourself to take in the word. Preaching is a call that you need to desire. Ask God to renew it in your heart and mouth every day. People want to hear a fresh word that is true and from the lord. Get assistance from the holy spirit and other regional leaders to spread the gospel. Use technologies like social media to reach out to the world with the good news.
If you are a believer, you can attest that these are the end days. According to the scriptures, the things going on today are similar to what is written. People will turn against one another. Communities are now glorifying evil deeds. The more persons turn away from the gospel, and the more God is ripening his judgment on them.
Christians are supposed to remain and stay ready throughout. Read parables in the bible that talk about staying alert. You need to seek God from all corners. Become a member of an active prayer team or a bible study group. Attending church services is not enough. Christians must give God time and associated with other believers help one to grow spiritually.
Work on improving your spiritual life. You have to be perfect to see the maker. God uses his grace to grow his children. Ensure that you are willing to learn more about the gospel. Seek knowledge about the word from relevant sources. Baby steps are allowed since you are willing to know and live acknowledging Christ.
Forgive and encourage your friends to also forgive you. If you forgive anyone who wrongs you, your father in heaven will do the same. The bible goes ahead and explains that believers should not get tired of forgiving. God is never tired of listening and watching your sins. He always forgives with love. Preach to every creature about forgiveness.
Devote and dedicate your life to God. God wants his children to acknowledge him here on earth. Give your life to him. Let a spiritual leader walk you through this new life. Be careful not to land in the hands of the fake preachers. Pray for protection and guidance in your Christian life. Ask the Holy Spirit to be with you and comfort you.
Pray without giving up. Make prayers your daily practice. Prayers give one an opportunity to communicate with their maker. If you are eager to know the next coming of the Messiah, go on your knees. God is faithful, and he will reveal this to you. Prayers also keep you close to God. A prayerful person is more focused and has a strong faith.
Guild and prepare yourself to take in the word. Preaching is a call that you need to desire. Ask God to renew it in your heart and mouth every day. People want to hear a fresh word that is true and from the lord. Get assistance from the holy spirit and other regional leaders to spread the gospel. Use technologies like social media to reach out to the world with the good news.
If you are a believer, you can attest that these are the end days. According to the scriptures, the things going on today are similar to what is written. People will turn against one another. Communities are now glorifying evil deeds. The more persons turn away from the gospel, and the more God is ripening his judgment on them.
Christians are supposed to remain and stay ready throughout. Read parables in the bible that talk about staying alert. You need to seek God from all corners. Become a member of an active prayer team or a bible study group. Attending church services is not enough. Christians must give God time and associated with other believers help one to grow spiritually.
Work on improving your spiritual life. You have to be perfect to see the maker. God uses his grace to grow his children. Ensure that you are willing to learn more about the gospel. Seek knowledge about the word from relevant sources. Baby steps are allowed since you are willing to know and live acknowledging Christ.
Forgive and encourage your friends to also forgive you. If you forgive anyone who wrongs you, your father in heaven will do the same. The bible goes ahead and explains that believers should not get tired of forgiving. God is never tired of listening and watching your sins. He always forgives with love. Preach to every creature about forgiveness.
Devote and dedicate your life to God. God wants his children to acknowledge him here on earth. Give your life to him. Let a spiritual leader walk you through this new life. Be careful not to land in the hands of the fake preachers. Pray for protection and guidance in your Christian life. Ask the Holy Spirit to be with you and comfort you.
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