How To Prepare For Immigration To Canada

By Virginia Brown

Every country has some interesting things to know about them. Knowing such facts is an important thing to do before you go to any country. If you have been planning to apply for Immigration to Canada, here are some of the facts you must know before you go there. Some of these things will blow your mind and make you wish you knew them earlier.

The country is located in the western part of the globe. This implies that it experiences four seasons in a year. During winter, the country gets extremely cold. In 1947, it got really cold to a temperature that can only be found in Mars. The temperature dropped to -81.4F in a small location known as Snag. This is something that has made it known as the relaxing beach of vacation.

The world has extremely many lakes, and the lakes are unique on their own. Maybe you should know that this country has many lakes than the world's lakes combined. For instance, it has Great White North Part that has up to 563 lakes. The lakes cover up to 100 square kilometers. This means that if you were to calculate the capacity of the world's fresh lakes, this nation would account for 18 percent of it all.

This is one of the biggest nations that the world has. It is second after Russia. If you go to the country, you will notice that it has a lot of free space and that there are many people anyway. Compared to Italy, this nation is 35 times bigger. Compared to France, the nation is up to 15 times bigger. Many tourists pick it as one of their preferred destinations due to the many features that it has.

The country has Alert, Nunavut as the northernmost settlement. This is a vast location that is inhabited all the time. It is not developed in terms of fancy buildings, movie house, and theaters, but it has a significant population. This location is known to be the temporary home to the military and some scientific individuals working in the area.

There are people who love to walk along coastlines. Maybe they want to enjoy walking on the sandy beaches or are trying to see the length of the coast. You try that in this country, and you will have to walk for four years to cover the entire length. Yeah, you read that right; the country has the longest coastline in the whole world.

The country has up to 10 percent of the world's forest. There are many trees in the country, and it boasts up to 30% of the world's boreal forest. The country has 396.9 million hectares of land covered by trees.

While some countries are struggling to find their own oil reservoirs, Canada has 176.8 billion barrels of oil. It does not need to depend on oil from other countries. For an extended period, it has extracted, manufactured and even imported its own oil. Hence, the cost of gas is much lower than other countries.

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