In the opinion of some, he is a religious leader of the highest regard. To others he is Jack Van Impe false teacher, a representative of the devil. In either case, he has been leading people to God on a weekly television show for years. Followers gladly send money to support his television ministry.
Van Impe was formerly associated with Jerry Falwell, who is himself a Baptist. He was a fundamentalist during his time spent as Falwells sidekick. He claims that religious dedication is all in his past, however.
Some consider his new liberal views good. To the strict Baptist fundamentalists, it is a step on the pathway to hell. His allegiance with the Catholic religion are looked on as detrimental.
His critics deplore his new beliefs. They claim he no longer is motivated by Jesus. He has turned towards the Pope. They say it is the Pope, with his edicts of Catholicism, who motivates Van Impe now. He and wife Rexella have been seen on television praising and espousing these new beliefs.
Each person in this world can make up his own mind about what religious beliefs are worthy of following. A child who is raised up in one religion sometimes changes to another later in life. We all enjoy freedom of religion in the US as long as it does not infringe on the freedom of others.
Final judgment of how each person worships will not be made on earth. There are many different versions of the Holy Bible. Some people object to the modernized version and others find it brings clarity to the teachings contained within. Rather than bemoaning the details of how to worship, the entire basis of religion should be kindness and charity towards others.
There are a variety of opinions on whether heaven is a reality. If it is, most likely it will not be a segregated place. As Jesus welcomed the little children, God will most likely welcome all denominations.
Van Impe has been called a false prophet and accused of betraying Jesus by praising the Catholic Religion and its followers. There is also criticism of Billy Graham, a religious leader who many believe to be beyond reproach. Graham has preached the gospel to people numbering in the millions in person and on television.
The career of Van Impe included recordings of gospel readings and a half-hour television show. He reports on religious news of interest to his followers. He and wife, Rexella co host the show once a week.
Van Impes father, Oscar, was an atheist who drank and encouraged his son to consume alcohol along with him. But, this changed when Jack was twelve. His father embraced Christianity and became a missionary. Neither of the Van Impe men drank a drop of alcohol after that day.
After Jack graduated from high school, he entered the Detroit Bible Institute where he earned a degree. In the course of his career, he was associated with Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell. Whether he should be regarded as Jack Van Impe false teacher, or true preacher of the gospel is a matter of opinion. Angel of God or son of the devil, is he either or in a more neutral position.
Van Impe was formerly associated with Jerry Falwell, who is himself a Baptist. He was a fundamentalist during his time spent as Falwells sidekick. He claims that religious dedication is all in his past, however.
Some consider his new liberal views good. To the strict Baptist fundamentalists, it is a step on the pathway to hell. His allegiance with the Catholic religion are looked on as detrimental.
His critics deplore his new beliefs. They claim he no longer is motivated by Jesus. He has turned towards the Pope. They say it is the Pope, with his edicts of Catholicism, who motivates Van Impe now. He and wife Rexella have been seen on television praising and espousing these new beliefs.
Each person in this world can make up his own mind about what religious beliefs are worthy of following. A child who is raised up in one religion sometimes changes to another later in life. We all enjoy freedom of religion in the US as long as it does not infringe on the freedom of others.
Final judgment of how each person worships will not be made on earth. There are many different versions of the Holy Bible. Some people object to the modernized version and others find it brings clarity to the teachings contained within. Rather than bemoaning the details of how to worship, the entire basis of religion should be kindness and charity towards others.
There are a variety of opinions on whether heaven is a reality. If it is, most likely it will not be a segregated place. As Jesus welcomed the little children, God will most likely welcome all denominations.
Van Impe has been called a false prophet and accused of betraying Jesus by praising the Catholic Religion and its followers. There is also criticism of Billy Graham, a religious leader who many believe to be beyond reproach. Graham has preached the gospel to people numbering in the millions in person and on television.
The career of Van Impe included recordings of gospel readings and a half-hour television show. He reports on religious news of interest to his followers. He and wife, Rexella co host the show once a week.
Van Impes father, Oscar, was an atheist who drank and encouraged his son to consume alcohol along with him. But, this changed when Jack was twelve. His father embraced Christianity and became a missionary. Neither of the Van Impe men drank a drop of alcohol after that day.
After Jack graduated from high school, he entered the Detroit Bible Institute where he earned a degree. In the course of his career, he was associated with Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell. Whether he should be regarded as Jack Van Impe false teacher, or true preacher of the gospel is a matter of opinion. Angel of God or son of the devil, is he either or in a more neutral position.
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