If marriages would be safe and the source of joy and happiness that they should be, this world would be the best place to live in. However, this has been tainted by other illegitimate forms of marriages that are not anywhere near the truth. They do not hold the primary themes of the natural marriages, but destroy those living in the natural marriages. The same sex married life is a great slayer and destructive force of the natural marriages.
It is not clear how the marriages between people of similar gender exist and survive. It remains to be seen the benefits that accompany these form of marriages. They are just there with no good motive and ambitions. That is why the communities across the globe are not accepting them in any way. Religious leaders are also joining to excommunicate them due to them harmful nature.
Marriage is a companion between a man and a woman. Anything else contrary to this is not Godly and acceptable in the society. The true marriage between men and women is naturally based on procreation and the unity of the spouses. Union between men and men, and women and women denies the psychological, physiological, and biological differences that should be there.
The union between people of similar gender is offensive to the creator. Among the many reasons that people give to oppose this type of marriage is its offensive nature to God. Every time people violate the natural order of events that God establishes, they sin and offend the creator. You should not assume that marriage is a creature of any state. Natural marriage should retain its original dignity.
The reproduction phase is one of the areas that these illegal and unlawful marriages disfigure. God meant that people of different sexes unite and carry on with the good work of procreation. Those who despise this rule end up marrying members of similar gender. The two could enjoy what they are doing, but the children could suffer physical and psychological torture.
The world is at the verge of falling into mischievous lifestyles if care is not taken. The leaders of all denominational groups and religious beliefs should not divide their opinions over the exemption of these terrible unions among their societies. They should take in heart to fight it to the end to save the coming generation. Otherwise, it is possible to pass on these disgraceful and outrageous behaviors to the next generation.
If one of the partners in the natural marriage decides to join the rotten club and practice the awkward acts, the existing marriage is prone to fall. This is how the anomalous marriages are becoming a threat to the good and godly marriages in the society. This eventually increases the divorce rate among the naturally married couples.
When the two people pretending to be in union adopt a child to bring up, they forcefully engage them in these awful acts. This is what the law defines as children molestation. As if this is not enough, the gays and lesbians practicing the same sex married life introduce the children to pornographic lifestyles that later demoralize their consciences.
It is not clear how the marriages between people of similar gender exist and survive. It remains to be seen the benefits that accompany these form of marriages. They are just there with no good motive and ambitions. That is why the communities across the globe are not accepting them in any way. Religious leaders are also joining to excommunicate them due to them harmful nature.
Marriage is a companion between a man and a woman. Anything else contrary to this is not Godly and acceptable in the society. The true marriage between men and women is naturally based on procreation and the unity of the spouses. Union between men and men, and women and women denies the psychological, physiological, and biological differences that should be there.
The union between people of similar gender is offensive to the creator. Among the many reasons that people give to oppose this type of marriage is its offensive nature to God. Every time people violate the natural order of events that God establishes, they sin and offend the creator. You should not assume that marriage is a creature of any state. Natural marriage should retain its original dignity.
The reproduction phase is one of the areas that these illegal and unlawful marriages disfigure. God meant that people of different sexes unite and carry on with the good work of procreation. Those who despise this rule end up marrying members of similar gender. The two could enjoy what they are doing, but the children could suffer physical and psychological torture.
The world is at the verge of falling into mischievous lifestyles if care is not taken. The leaders of all denominational groups and religious beliefs should not divide their opinions over the exemption of these terrible unions among their societies. They should take in heart to fight it to the end to save the coming generation. Otherwise, it is possible to pass on these disgraceful and outrageous behaviors to the next generation.
If one of the partners in the natural marriage decides to join the rotten club and practice the awkward acts, the existing marriage is prone to fall. This is how the anomalous marriages are becoming a threat to the good and godly marriages in the society. This eventually increases the divorce rate among the naturally married couples.
When the two people pretending to be in union adopt a child to bring up, they forcefully engage them in these awful acts. This is what the law defines as children molestation. As if this is not enough, the gays and lesbians practicing the same sex married life introduce the children to pornographic lifestyles that later demoralize their consciences.
About the Author:
You can visit the website www.10thousandcouples.com for more helpful information about Learn The Harm That Same Sex Married Life Has Brought To The Society