Whether you've just gone through a breakup and you want to get your ex back or you want to move on, often overcoming the pain can be a seemingly impossible task.
It's frustrating when you find someone that you like or even love and he doesn't feel the same way. There probably is nothing wrong with you. It's simply a matter of attraction and understanding that men feel attracted to women for some very strange reasons. Beyond physical attraction, a man will fall in love with a woman, or you, because of some emotions that he will feel when he's around you. If you can recreate these emotions then a man will feel attraction and eventually love no matter what you look like or what your social status is.
While it might be impossible to go over every error that you might make with this remarkable lady, there are several common mistakes that we guys make when we find someone really awesome. Avoid these two big mistakes and you should be fine.
How do other women treat the man that you're interested in? Do they go to him to have their computer's fixed? Try to see some other redeeming qualities that he posesses. Do other women laugh at his jokes? See beyond his sense of humor and discover what lies underneath that facade of comedy. Be different than the other girls and you will show him that you're different.
Yes, women can tell when a guy is just a little too into her and it freaks them out. Most of us are pretty damaged. All of us have some baggage and deep down inside our hearts we all see our own flaws. When someone makes a huge deal out of us it sends a message that there is something wrong with the other person. Women are even more in tune with this and without a word they can sense when you feel this way. Keep your head and keep your cool. Remember, she uses the toilet just like everyone else. She might be really cool but be sure that she is flawed in one way or another. In time, you will love those flaws too but for right now, she's not going to show you those flaws.
Dwelling upon the past and what you did wrong can damage your already broken ego. You probably feel bad about yourself. You were rejected in some way in this relationship and the resulting breakup. It's unfortunate for your ex though because there will come a day when you'll begin to feel better about yourself and your ex is going to realize that they judged you poorly. No matter what the circumstances were, you deserve to be loved and cared for by someone special in this world. You deserve to be treated well and while none of us is perfect, you are unique and wonderful in your own way.
While you might wish to be open with him and tell him everything about yourself, keep some of the more detailed portions of your life for later. Become a bit of a mystery to him and let him dig into your life. Let him struggle a little bit to get to know you. A woman that is a bit of a mystery to him will make him feel special when he does get to know you. Everybody loves a secret so keep a few secrets to yourself for him to find as your relationship progresses. It can be tempting to want to tell him about your entire life but it is more satisfying to man to find these things out himself, especially if there are few people that know these things about you.
Getting past the pain of your breakup isn't an easy process. There are going to be times when you feel like you are cured but those black thoughts and feelings of despair might be right around the corner for you. Understanding this and being patient with yourself is something to keep in mind. You can and will feel better one day soon and the pain from this breakup will be a distant memory.
It's frustrating when you find someone that you like or even love and he doesn't feel the same way. There probably is nothing wrong with you. It's simply a matter of attraction and understanding that men feel attracted to women for some very strange reasons. Beyond physical attraction, a man will fall in love with a woman, or you, because of some emotions that he will feel when he's around you. If you can recreate these emotions then a man will feel attraction and eventually love no matter what you look like or what your social status is.
While it might be impossible to go over every error that you might make with this remarkable lady, there are several common mistakes that we guys make when we find someone really awesome. Avoid these two big mistakes and you should be fine.
How do other women treat the man that you're interested in? Do they go to him to have their computer's fixed? Try to see some other redeeming qualities that he posesses. Do other women laugh at his jokes? See beyond his sense of humor and discover what lies underneath that facade of comedy. Be different than the other girls and you will show him that you're different.
Yes, women can tell when a guy is just a little too into her and it freaks them out. Most of us are pretty damaged. All of us have some baggage and deep down inside our hearts we all see our own flaws. When someone makes a huge deal out of us it sends a message that there is something wrong with the other person. Women are even more in tune with this and without a word they can sense when you feel this way. Keep your head and keep your cool. Remember, she uses the toilet just like everyone else. She might be really cool but be sure that she is flawed in one way or another. In time, you will love those flaws too but for right now, she's not going to show you those flaws.
Dwelling upon the past and what you did wrong can damage your already broken ego. You probably feel bad about yourself. You were rejected in some way in this relationship and the resulting breakup. It's unfortunate for your ex though because there will come a day when you'll begin to feel better about yourself and your ex is going to realize that they judged you poorly. No matter what the circumstances were, you deserve to be loved and cared for by someone special in this world. You deserve to be treated well and while none of us is perfect, you are unique and wonderful in your own way.
While you might wish to be open with him and tell him everything about yourself, keep some of the more detailed portions of your life for later. Become a bit of a mystery to him and let him dig into your life. Let him struggle a little bit to get to know you. A woman that is a bit of a mystery to him will make him feel special when he does get to know you. Everybody loves a secret so keep a few secrets to yourself for him to find as your relationship progresses. It can be tempting to want to tell him about your entire life but it is more satisfying to man to find these things out himself, especially if there are few people that know these things about you.
Getting past the pain of your breakup isn't an easy process. There are going to be times when you feel like you are cured but those black thoughts and feelings of despair might be right around the corner for you. Understanding this and being patient with yourself is something to keep in mind. You can and will feel better one day soon and the pain from this breakup will be a distant memory.
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