The more you love your girlfriend or wife, the more difficult and emotional the breakup can be. The pain and anguish might be so powerful that you would probably prefer a physical wound rather than having to endure this kind of pain. At least if you were in physical pain you would have some idea of how the healing process was going or you would know that over time the pain would become less intense. With emotional pain, you are on a roller coaster and simple things like seeing your ex or being reminded of the past can bring on renewed emotional turmoil. With physical pain you might even be able to see the healing occurring but this is not so with emotional pain.
Whether you were married to the woman that you love or she was just your girlfriend, the pain is no different. The healing process and the process of restoring your relationship should also be no different. Women are women and whether you had a piece of paper saying that you would be together forever or not, there was probably a time when both of you said or wished that you would be together until the end of time. Getting over your pain, rebuilding your self-confidence and getting her back will be the same no matter if we are talking about a wayward wife or girlfriend. It also doesn't matter what is going on in her life. It doesn't matter if she is with some other guy or not. You will see that these methods which are loosely based upon what is suggested to get a combat soldier through stress will help you to get your ex back more quickly than you might otherwise think.
There is a process that men use when they come out of combat that is called debriefing. You will use this same process to remove the emotions from what happened in your relationship. You'll look at everything factually and without emotion. You should allow yourself a grieving process before this but try not to get too caught up in these feelings of pity, remorse or sadness. As you debrief yourself, you will recount what happened, what you did wrong in the relationship, what you did right and what your ex did all in a very factual manner. You will understand what you could have done differently but you will not dwell upon this or beat yourself up for any mistakes that you may have made. There is nothing that you can do about the past so you will simply be learning from your mistakes at this point.
Learning from the past is the only purpose it serves. Feeling bad about yourself or what you did will only continue to hobble your attempts to win your girlfriend back. It serves no useful purpose. You need to let go of the past and learn from your mistakes. Consider yourself lucky that you had this experience to learn from. Once you have successfully debriefed you should feel free from guilt, doubt, pain and torment. You will be moving forward with a clean slate and you will be able to focus on the future again.
In the next step you will be rebuilding yourself back into the man that you once were, but better. You have been through a lot so you deserve to be treated well. This means taking some time to decompress and enjoy your life for a short while before it is time to get back to work. This is called rest and relaxation. Do the things that make you happy and which make life worth living. Rest assured in knowing that you have the ability to get your girlfriend or wife back but right now is your moment to do some things that bring a smile to your face.
Be careful and try to avoid many of the antics that most soldiers go through when they're on leave. Avoid drinking too much since this often leads to text messaging or calling your ex. Alcohol is a depressant and while you might feel awesome at the beginning of the night, there's a good chance that you could become melancholy and do something crazy like call your ex to tell her how much you love her or show up at her house. During this phase you want to avoid contacting your ex. Instead, think of blowing off some steam by spending time with your friends or getting out of town for a long weekend. Go to the beach or the mountains or wherever it is that you go to recharge your batteries.
When you are done relaxing it will be time to get to work on rebuilding your life and your self-esteem. Your confidence is critical and without it anything that you try to do to get your ex back will be tainted by doubt and weakness. Work on becoming strong emotionally and physically. Physical exercise can improve the look of your body and also improve your mood and confidence. Expand your mind and educate yourself on the psychology behind a woman's emotions. Understand how a woman falls in love, what she needs to feel to fall in love as well as how you can replicate these emotions in your ex when the time is right. Men are logical, for the most part, when it comes to relationships while women are driven by their emotions. They need to feel a certain way to fall in love and it is possible to make your ex feel these emotions and feel the need to love you again. It is logical and it's simple.
At this moment right now, you might still feel emotional and doubtful that she is every going to come back. That's fine. This is to be expected. You're still in an emotional state. Once you begin to feel better and you regain your self-confidence, you will understand that getting your girlfriend or wife to fall in love with you again isn't very difficult. If you are able to focus on her emotions while appearing strong and confident, she will fall in love with you again for sure. Remember that you're the man in the relationship and that she wants you to be the man. Avoid the temptation of letting your own emotions play a role in your decision making process and you will find that getting her back isn't very difficult at all.
Whether you were married to the woman that you love or she was just your girlfriend, the pain is no different. The healing process and the process of restoring your relationship should also be no different. Women are women and whether you had a piece of paper saying that you would be together forever or not, there was probably a time when both of you said or wished that you would be together until the end of time. Getting over your pain, rebuilding your self-confidence and getting her back will be the same no matter if we are talking about a wayward wife or girlfriend. It also doesn't matter what is going on in her life. It doesn't matter if she is with some other guy or not. You will see that these methods which are loosely based upon what is suggested to get a combat soldier through stress will help you to get your ex back more quickly than you might otherwise think.
There is a process that men use when they come out of combat that is called debriefing. You will use this same process to remove the emotions from what happened in your relationship. You'll look at everything factually and without emotion. You should allow yourself a grieving process before this but try not to get too caught up in these feelings of pity, remorse or sadness. As you debrief yourself, you will recount what happened, what you did wrong in the relationship, what you did right and what your ex did all in a very factual manner. You will understand what you could have done differently but you will not dwell upon this or beat yourself up for any mistakes that you may have made. There is nothing that you can do about the past so you will simply be learning from your mistakes at this point.
Learning from the past is the only purpose it serves. Feeling bad about yourself or what you did will only continue to hobble your attempts to win your girlfriend back. It serves no useful purpose. You need to let go of the past and learn from your mistakes. Consider yourself lucky that you had this experience to learn from. Once you have successfully debriefed you should feel free from guilt, doubt, pain and torment. You will be moving forward with a clean slate and you will be able to focus on the future again.
In the next step you will be rebuilding yourself back into the man that you once were, but better. You have been through a lot so you deserve to be treated well. This means taking some time to decompress and enjoy your life for a short while before it is time to get back to work. This is called rest and relaxation. Do the things that make you happy and which make life worth living. Rest assured in knowing that you have the ability to get your girlfriend or wife back but right now is your moment to do some things that bring a smile to your face.
Be careful and try to avoid many of the antics that most soldiers go through when they're on leave. Avoid drinking too much since this often leads to text messaging or calling your ex. Alcohol is a depressant and while you might feel awesome at the beginning of the night, there's a good chance that you could become melancholy and do something crazy like call your ex to tell her how much you love her or show up at her house. During this phase you want to avoid contacting your ex. Instead, think of blowing off some steam by spending time with your friends or getting out of town for a long weekend. Go to the beach or the mountains or wherever it is that you go to recharge your batteries.
When you are done relaxing it will be time to get to work on rebuilding your life and your self-esteem. Your confidence is critical and without it anything that you try to do to get your ex back will be tainted by doubt and weakness. Work on becoming strong emotionally and physically. Physical exercise can improve the look of your body and also improve your mood and confidence. Expand your mind and educate yourself on the psychology behind a woman's emotions. Understand how a woman falls in love, what she needs to feel to fall in love as well as how you can replicate these emotions in your ex when the time is right. Men are logical, for the most part, when it comes to relationships while women are driven by their emotions. They need to feel a certain way to fall in love and it is possible to make your ex feel these emotions and feel the need to love you again. It is logical and it's simple.
At this moment right now, you might still feel emotional and doubtful that she is every going to come back. That's fine. This is to be expected. You're still in an emotional state. Once you begin to feel better and you regain your self-confidence, you will understand that getting your girlfriend or wife to fall in love with you again isn't very difficult. If you are able to focus on her emotions while appearing strong and confident, she will fall in love with you again for sure. Remember that you're the man in the relationship and that she wants you to be the man. Avoid the temptation of letting your own emotions play a role in your decision making process and you will find that getting her back isn't very difficult at all.
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