Asking Can This Be The Second Coming

By Leticia Jensen

If you are asking 'Can this be the Second Coming' based on an event you've witnessed or heard about, you'll be glad to know that the answer is in the Bible. Scripture tells us quite a bit about the Lord's return. It also warns us not to be deceived by false claims.

Jesus answers this question Himself. In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 17, verse 24, He is quoted as saying: 'the Son of Man will be like lightning, which lights up the sky.' This tells us that we won't miss the return of out Lord or realize it gradually. Rather it will burst upon us with power and drama. Jesus also says: Do not go running off after people who say 'Here He is!'

Other clues can be taken from accounts from people who went to Heaven and returned to tall the story. Perhaps you think these accounts and even the Bible are not true, but then why are you looking for Jesus? Eyewitness accounts are our best source of information, as any court of law will tell you.

People who've gone to Heaven had no trouble recognizing Jesus. Like His disciples during the time between His resurrection and His ascension, they see Him as He was on earth, with nail holes in His hands and love in His eyes. He told his followers that His sheep know His voice, and so it is. Only those who have not surrendered their lives to Him and believe His Word will mistake another for the Lord.

If you're living pretty much as usual without terrible suffering, the tribulation hasn't started. This seven-year stretch of one horrific thing after another comes before the return of the Lord. Early-warning signs like strange weather, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, fires, droughts, and wars happen before the 'last plagues' which precede the Lord's arrival.

It's not only the good guy that will display signs and wonders, so don't take supernatural happenings as proof. The Bible tells us that many will come claiming to be the Christ, deceiving even believers with their 'miracles'. Jesus's signs were based on love, as He restored sight to the blind and mobility to the crippled, cleansed the lepers, calmed the waters to save His disciples, and fed the masses who came out to hear His teachings.

Jesus was neither a world or local leader. He spoke of the heavenly kingdom and of spiritual riches, but He had no palace or working capital. He had twelve faithful followers, not a royal court. If a man comes with worldly power, a thirst for renown and riches, and a disregard for the poor, he will only deceive those interested in worldly things.

It's OK to ask the question, as long as you turn to the Bible for the answer. Jesus will return riding on the clouds, on a white horse with a host behind Him, and you'll hear trumpets in the sky. If this is not the case, you haven't found the returned Son of God.

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