The term boot camp tends to conjure up images of men performing intense physical activities. A wild at heart boot camp Poconos has a different purpose. It is a camp for men only and the purpose is to give men the opportunity to discover what God intends them to be. It often results in men getting their hearts back and recovering their true nature. As a consequence they begin to live life differently and passionately.
The settings chosen for such camps are usually have a natural beauty and tranquility. Away from suburban settings, men have time to reconnect with God. They also connect with one another and share their experiences.
Teachings are given to help give these men a taste of what God has available for them. Many of them are tired and suffer from spiritual malaise. They are often doing what they ought to do and never experience the wild, adventurous, manly passions God has instilled in them. The teachings reveal to them how they have pushed aside the passionate and deep parts of their lives.
Camps have been held all over the world since a book called Wild at Heart was written by John Eldridge. In the book he inspires men to discover the desires of their hearts. One of these desires is a desire for adventure. These camps offer men the opportunity for adventure with many outdoor activities.
Many men may grow up thinking about Jesus in the way He was portrayed at Sunday School. They often think about Him as the sacrificial lamb rather than as the Lion of Judah. They begin to understand that He was not always meek but confronted culture, tradition and religion. This understanding helps them to discover a sense of purpose and their roles as warriors in the battle of faith.
The tools given to men at these retreats can last a lifetime. Many of them experience deep restoration and healing from wounds they have lived with for years. This healing means they are able to find life worth living once more and they recover their passion. They also approach their relationships in a different way.
Their relationships with their wives often change as a result of the changes to their own hearts. Women battle to relate to weak, apathetic men. As they discover themselves, so their wives start to see a strength in them that they admire. Men are encouraged to fight for a woman and to love her as Christ loves the church.
A camp like this offers an opportunity for men to set aside the issues of daily life for a time and discover the deep desires of their hearts. Adventures, sessions and times for reflection help with this process. They often experience deep healing from all the expectations modern society has placed on them. They are freed to be what God wants them to be - alive, passionate and living from their hearts.
The settings chosen for such camps are usually have a natural beauty and tranquility. Away from suburban settings, men have time to reconnect with God. They also connect with one another and share their experiences.
Teachings are given to help give these men a taste of what God has available for them. Many of them are tired and suffer from spiritual malaise. They are often doing what they ought to do and never experience the wild, adventurous, manly passions God has instilled in them. The teachings reveal to them how they have pushed aside the passionate and deep parts of their lives.
Camps have been held all over the world since a book called Wild at Heart was written by John Eldridge. In the book he inspires men to discover the desires of their hearts. One of these desires is a desire for adventure. These camps offer men the opportunity for adventure with many outdoor activities.
Many men may grow up thinking about Jesus in the way He was portrayed at Sunday School. They often think about Him as the sacrificial lamb rather than as the Lion of Judah. They begin to understand that He was not always meek but confronted culture, tradition and religion. This understanding helps them to discover a sense of purpose and their roles as warriors in the battle of faith.
The tools given to men at these retreats can last a lifetime. Many of them experience deep restoration and healing from wounds they have lived with for years. This healing means they are able to find life worth living once more and they recover their passion. They also approach their relationships in a different way.
Their relationships with their wives often change as a result of the changes to their own hearts. Women battle to relate to weak, apathetic men. As they discover themselves, so their wives start to see a strength in them that they admire. Men are encouraged to fight for a woman and to love her as Christ loves the church.
A camp like this offers an opportunity for men to set aside the issues of daily life for a time and discover the deep desires of their hearts. Adventures, sessions and times for reflection help with this process. They often experience deep healing from all the expectations modern society has placed on them. They are freed to be what God wants them to be - alive, passionate and living from their hearts.
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