After Jesus resurrected from the dead, He asked His disciples to go out to all the nations of the earth and preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God. This is exactly what prophetic pastor opportunities is all about. It is about making sure that the Good news of the Kingdom of God reaches people across the world so that God receives all the glory.
Jesus did not come to condemn people but to save them, so his message was about a loving God who gave His only one son as a sacrifice so that those who believe in Him would have everlasting life. Not that Jesus did not have a chance to condemn people for the sins they committed against God. However, He understood that His mission was to come and accomplish the will of the one who sent Him; to serve humankind and save them from sin.
You need to learn how to do the same. Once you are born again, you become a new creation, the old things in your life passed away and you are now a saint. However, that does not give you the audacity to use your preaching to condemn those who have not accepted Christ as Lord.
This is what is required of you; preach the message of the forgiveness of sin and not condemning people for being sinners. If Jesus could really look at a person in the eyes and tell them they will go to hell if they do not accept him, many people would be pagans today. Instead, He approaches people in love and shows them the value of loving God, so you should do the same.
Jesus told people to forgive one another so that they too could be forgiven their sins by the after in heaven. He even gave human beings a condition that if they did not forgive men their own sins, it would be difficult for God to forgive them. In short, God always want everyone to have a heart that finds it easy to forgive.
You need to follow the example of Christ when you are teaching people how to forgive. A good pastor does not tell people how bad they are when they do not forgive people who wrong them. Instead, he or she helps people see the meaning, the importance and the value of forgiveness, hence giving them a reason to forgive men their sins.
Jesus was indeed a humble servant. Even though He is the son of God, He did everything in Humility and did not take glory for Himself. In everything he did, He gave thanks to God in heave, and even when times were hard for people who were following Him, He would ask them to trust in God.
In whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. After a successful prophetic mission, do not take glory for yourself as most people do these days. Instead, go down on your knees and give thanks to God.
Jesus did not come to condemn people but to save them, so his message was about a loving God who gave His only one son as a sacrifice so that those who believe in Him would have everlasting life. Not that Jesus did not have a chance to condemn people for the sins they committed against God. However, He understood that His mission was to come and accomplish the will of the one who sent Him; to serve humankind and save them from sin.
You need to learn how to do the same. Once you are born again, you become a new creation, the old things in your life passed away and you are now a saint. However, that does not give you the audacity to use your preaching to condemn those who have not accepted Christ as Lord.
This is what is required of you; preach the message of the forgiveness of sin and not condemning people for being sinners. If Jesus could really look at a person in the eyes and tell them they will go to hell if they do not accept him, many people would be pagans today. Instead, He approaches people in love and shows them the value of loving God, so you should do the same.
Jesus told people to forgive one another so that they too could be forgiven their sins by the after in heaven. He even gave human beings a condition that if they did not forgive men their own sins, it would be difficult for God to forgive them. In short, God always want everyone to have a heart that finds it easy to forgive.
You need to follow the example of Christ when you are teaching people how to forgive. A good pastor does not tell people how bad they are when they do not forgive people who wrong them. Instead, he or she helps people see the meaning, the importance and the value of forgiveness, hence giving them a reason to forgive men their sins.
Jesus was indeed a humble servant. Even though He is the son of God, He did everything in Humility and did not take glory for Himself. In everything he did, He gave thanks to God in heave, and even when times were hard for people who were following Him, He would ask them to trust in God.
In whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. After a successful prophetic mission, do not take glory for yourself as most people do these days. Instead, go down on your knees and give thanks to God.
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Read more about What Prophetic Pastor Opportunities Should Mean To Christian Communities.