Many think that getting eternal life, as well as freedom from all ills like hunger, pain, and sorrow, must be difficult, involved, and costly. Those who know how to be saved by Jesus will testify it's a very simple process. Getting to the point of sincerely asking for this gift is not so easy, however. In fact, many find it almost impossible.
The Lord has already paved the way for all people to be saved. He went willingly to a gruesome death on the cross, offering up body and soul as the blood sacrifice required for the forgiveness of our sins. When He rose again to life, it was proof that death - 'the wages of sin' - had been conquered.
For many people, the idea of sin is foolishness. They've been taught that man is essentially good and that right and wrong are relative. Many believe that mankind is either part of the animal world or divine in nature. The existence of a loving creator who established truth and gave rules for life on earth is denied by the humanists. However, new advances in science point to an intricate world that no random events could have evolved.
God has given us the Bible to reveal His nature and His plan for the world. Scripture teaches that man is born in sin and that no living person is sinless. The good we do pleases God but does not gain us eternal life. God's laws are designed to help us live a blessed life, but salvation is a free gift that we may accept or refuse.
The fact is that God made the world and also the rules we live or die by. The saved know that these rules make our lives better. A holy god cannot enter into relationship with sinners, but when we accept Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross we are redeemed. The penalty of our sin - death - has been paid in full.
God is so dedicated to the principle of free will that He placed a forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden and gave Adam all freedoms but one - to eat the fruit of that tree. God wanted willing and obedient children, not robots. Of course, Adam and his wife Eve failed this one test; this failure is called 'original sin' and has tainted the whole human race.
Before anyone thinks that this isn't fair, they should sincerely evaluate themselves. All people have sinful desires, have broken some- or all - of the Ten Commandments, and have chosen to turn from God rather than toward Him. We have original sin and we also have a lot of our own.
All that's necessary is a humble and contrite heart, acknowledging your sin and your need for the sacrificial blood of Jesus. Tell God that you repent of your sins, are willing to turn from them, and intend to go forth in new life through Christ. If you are sincere and truly believe in God's gift of salvation through the death of Jesus, His son, you will be saved. Then you go forth and tell others (confessing Christ with your mouth) and grow into the person God intends you to be.
The Lord has already paved the way for all people to be saved. He went willingly to a gruesome death on the cross, offering up body and soul as the blood sacrifice required for the forgiveness of our sins. When He rose again to life, it was proof that death - 'the wages of sin' - had been conquered.
For many people, the idea of sin is foolishness. They've been taught that man is essentially good and that right and wrong are relative. Many believe that mankind is either part of the animal world or divine in nature. The existence of a loving creator who established truth and gave rules for life on earth is denied by the humanists. However, new advances in science point to an intricate world that no random events could have evolved.
God has given us the Bible to reveal His nature and His plan for the world. Scripture teaches that man is born in sin and that no living person is sinless. The good we do pleases God but does not gain us eternal life. God's laws are designed to help us live a blessed life, but salvation is a free gift that we may accept or refuse.
The fact is that God made the world and also the rules we live or die by. The saved know that these rules make our lives better. A holy god cannot enter into relationship with sinners, but when we accept Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross we are redeemed. The penalty of our sin - death - has been paid in full.
God is so dedicated to the principle of free will that He placed a forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden and gave Adam all freedoms but one - to eat the fruit of that tree. God wanted willing and obedient children, not robots. Of course, Adam and his wife Eve failed this one test; this failure is called 'original sin' and has tainted the whole human race.
Before anyone thinks that this isn't fair, they should sincerely evaluate themselves. All people have sinful desires, have broken some- or all - of the Ten Commandments, and have chosen to turn from God rather than toward Him. We have original sin and we also have a lot of our own.
All that's necessary is a humble and contrite heart, acknowledging your sin and your need for the sacrificial blood of Jesus. Tell God that you repent of your sins, are willing to turn from them, and intend to go forth in new life through Christ. If you are sincere and truly believe in God's gift of salvation through the death of Jesus, His son, you will be saved. Then you go forth and tell others (confessing Christ with your mouth) and grow into the person God intends you to be.
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