If you have the feeling that you are the only person having trouble in this world, it is time to know that you are not alone. There are many who are asking how do I start taking to God all the trouble that I have. There are thing you need to do to get the trouble out of your way, of course, with the help of God.
There is no problem in the world that does not have a solution. There are problems that we can solve on our own, but there are just those that you cannot solve on your own no matter how hard you try. There comes a time when you have so many questions, with few or no answers.
There were consequences though. If you read the Book of Genesis, you see God cursing the ground, the woman turning from a companion to a submissive individual, man toiling to get food, the woman having pain during labor and eventually the human race dying, going back to where he rightfully belongs. You can see now how one simple mistake led the world into trouble, and since then, humankind have lived a bitter life since he has been unable to reverse time and make things right.
Even after having sinned against God, He changed His mind on destroying humankind forever to giving them a chance to live again. And though He did not take death away, He made it a rite of passage from one phase of life to the other. Human beings now have the hope that they will one day spend eternity with God once life on earth is over.
Once you have the conviction that God can help and have the faith that he will, analyze your problems. It is okay to have problems by the way because this is part of life. So take time to think about what it is that you are going through.
Pray to God through Jesus, telling him all the things that you desire and the troubles that you are going through. Ask him to open the eyes and ears of your understanding and knowledge respectively so that you find a solution to these problems soon.
In as much as God knows what you need even before you ask him, talk to him about it. He is not busy for sure, but He wants to hear you tell him the desires of your heart before He can help. He says you call to Him, and He will show you great and marvelous things that you do not know.
Do not look for other means to solve your problems. God is always there to help. He made a promise to do so from the start.
There is no problem in the world that does not have a solution. There are problems that we can solve on our own, but there are just those that you cannot solve on your own no matter how hard you try. There comes a time when you have so many questions, with few or no answers.
There were consequences though. If you read the Book of Genesis, you see God cursing the ground, the woman turning from a companion to a submissive individual, man toiling to get food, the woman having pain during labor and eventually the human race dying, going back to where he rightfully belongs. You can see now how one simple mistake led the world into trouble, and since then, humankind have lived a bitter life since he has been unable to reverse time and make things right.
Even after having sinned against God, He changed His mind on destroying humankind forever to giving them a chance to live again. And though He did not take death away, He made it a rite of passage from one phase of life to the other. Human beings now have the hope that they will one day spend eternity with God once life on earth is over.
Once you have the conviction that God can help and have the faith that he will, analyze your problems. It is okay to have problems by the way because this is part of life. So take time to think about what it is that you are going through.
Pray to God through Jesus, telling him all the things that you desire and the troubles that you are going through. Ask him to open the eyes and ears of your understanding and knowledge respectively so that you find a solution to these problems soon.
In as much as God knows what you need even before you ask him, talk to him about it. He is not busy for sure, but He wants to hear you tell him the desires of your heart before He can help. He says you call to Him, and He will show you great and marvelous things that you do not know.
Do not look for other means to solve your problems. God is always there to help. He made a promise to do so from the start.