Finding Out Is There Life After Death

By Tammie Caldwell

There are so many bad things that happen within this world and people are really unsure about their true destiny on a daily basis. Many individuals wonder is there life after death since so many bad things happen to human beings. Several people have claimed to have died and come back to life within a few mere minutes. Some of the stories are quite amusing while others may be horrible.

One beautiful woman living on the west coast thought that all of her dreams had come true when she met her loving future husband. She was lucky enough to have tons of money since her parents were both rich and they had sold all types of houses over the years. These were people who took fancy trips each and every year to places that many people only dream about.

The young woman knew that she and this man would have a truly peaceful life together and that no other person would be able to gain his attention. Unfortunately she was wrong about this since he found himself attracted to another woman who took walks at a park within the area. This woman was bold and beautiful and she could have any man that was available.

The kind gentleman had taken a sudden interest in this new female and he asked her to lunch. The couple had a great time during their lunch time and got to know each other really well. Unfortunately this small lunch date led to a hot and heavy affair which went on for quite some time.

He had no idea that their heated moments would turn into something very extraordinary. Unfortunately he could no longer hide his feelings for the new female and made a grand decision to escape with her. This decision caused all types of chaos for his betrothed who was still making plans for their wedding. She made the unfortunate choice to finally end everything.

She woke up to find herself wandering around a dark and cold place which was filled with all types of monsters. They tried their best to scare her soul on every possible level. Quite a few of them yanked on her legs and arms in a violent manner. Her eyes were also bleeding since many of these evil demons had clawed at them.

Everything that was happening was quite painful and she wished that she could escape from this horrible place which seemed like hell. Many hours had passed before she yelled out God's name and begged for mercy. It seemed as though he had actually heard her since she then woke up in a hospital room. The doctors were glad to see her back and she then told her story to them.

One man was fortunate enough to end up in Heaven after having an accident in his yard. Fortunately he landed in a tranquil place that smelled really wonderful. Every one at this location looked like angels and some of them even had wings on their back.

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