The Importance Of Acquiring Bible Prophecy Study Guides

By Francis Riggs

The inner need to know your position amongst creation will lead you to discover God. This is the God who created you and he reigns over all the earth. Join your church of choice and learn more about what Jesus; the son of God, the Holy Spirit and how they help you in your daily life. Your spiritual leader will also equip you with Bible prophecy study guides.

As a committed Christian, you need to join a local Christian community. This is so that you have a specific place of worship. There you will also be under a spiritual leader who will help you interpret all prophecies you shall receive from the Lord. Since there are many prophets nowadays, you should pray about your church choice. God is faithful and he will lead you to the right prophet, pastor or bishop.

It is certain that life sometimes brings on challenges that you shall overcome by the mercy of Jesus Christ. When you call on Christ, he takes it upon himself to help you through your journey. He will hive you his special grace which will cause you to rejoice even in the midst of tribulations. You will have the privilege to pray to him and ask for whatever solution that you need. Always be ready to accept his answers because they will work for your good.

The prophetic ministries are the most sensitive part of the gospel. This is because the prophecies released by a faithful man of God must come to pass in due time. The believers will rely on the prophet to intervene on their behalf so that calamity does not occur in their land. Therefore, if you have a calling to become a prophet, you must be very serious with your Christianity walk. Let the fire of the lord consume you till you are refined and ready to be used by Him.

When attending prophecy studies, you should have the following four points at the back of your mind. First of all, studies help you know who you are in Christ Jesus. This knowledge of Christ will guide your life and be a basis upon which you make your life decisions. When you are sure of whom Christ is to you, you will appreciate the significance of prophecies in your Christian life.

Your church leader will minister to your soul, prophecy to your tough situations, teach and train you Gods word, encourage you and be a role model to you. There are many who are called to serve in the kingdom but not all of them can be your spiritual parents. You need to find the leaders who God has anointed just for you.

Therefore, spend quality time to speak and listen to your friend Jesus. There is nothing fulfilling as when you have a personal walk with the savior. You will enjoy the Christian walk and have special understanding about prophecies.

The above spiritual practices are important but you must establish a strong relationship with Christ. Your Christianity is not complete without knowing the savior in person. Jesus Christ is real in your life and he longs to personally teach you all you need to know about the heavenly kingdom.

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