Useful Information About The Biblical Timeline

By Francis Riggs

The history behind the Bible, spans millennia. Events such as the fall of man and the Birth of Christ are of notable interest. These two happenings among dozens of other events form part of Biblical Timeline. This sequel of occurrences is something every Christian should know about. Long before time, there was void and emptiness and then God made the world and that marked the beginning of the timeline of whose end no man knows about.

Divinely inspired events have often times driven the course of history. At times, the threads of secular advancement have often times intertwined with what can be considered as biblically inspired happenings. Most importantly, predictions from the Holy Book about the rise and fall of Babylon, Persia and other great world empires, have actually been fulfilled. According to theologists, the present world is post-Roman Empire but there is talk about regrouping of the elements of the last great empire.

The seasoned Bible scholar knows this topic like the back of his hand. This is because he takes time and great effort to dig through the sacred texts with the goal of finding the truth behind major historical occurrences. Researches of great scholars have led to valuable insights and findings that have been summarized into books.

This subject matter is not only of interest to pastors, bishops, and theology professors. The common person who has an interest in expanding his knowledge bank should also find out more about the topic. It is always great to be the informed person who can easily participate in any talk whether it is a talk about spiritual issues or secular matters.

Basically, it starts at Genesis and ends at revelation. These are millenias of the interaction between man and God that can be divided into Old Testament that is a covenant between God and the Israeli people and the new covenant between God and every person on the face of the earth. The miraculous birth of Jesus, his death and subsequent miraculous resurrection is part of the new dispensation of things.

The Old Testament forms part of the core doctrine of Judaism and Islam. Christianity has both testaments and both are connected by prophesies in the old dispensation being fulfilled in the new dispensation. Many people including those who are not part of the three major religions have been interested in what believers say happened in days of the past. There are many who have undertaken to investigate the validity of such occurrences.

The bible time-line has had its fair share of heroes and villains with the lowest moment being Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus Christ, which ultimately led to Christ's death. The resurrection of Christ is considered as the greatest event on the time-line. Another moment of awe is the children of Israel leaving the land of their slavery (Egypt.)

Humans have walked the earth for millennia. The Bible story is believed by many to be an account of the human story. According to biblical accounts, great spiritual men have risen and in the same breath, men of valor have caused tides of change.

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