To Have A Good Mass In Episcopal Church Lake Norman NC Should Be Prioritized

By Steven Evans

The Episcopal Church often abbreviated as TEC is a US-based member church of the Anglican Communion. It is also known by other names such as PECUSA and CUSA. ECUSA is subdivided into nine major provinces and has dioceses in many regions around the world. Some of the dioceses are located in South and Central America, the Caribbean, Micronesia, Taiwan and the US. When in need of place to find Episcopal Church Lake Norman NC is the place to visit.

The formation of this church occurred after the American Revolution when it separated from the Church of England. Its first parish was established in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia. Other parishes were established in other American states later on. In New York, it was established in 1693, 1706 in South Carolina, 1730 in North Carolina, 1702 in Maryland, and 1758 in Georgia.

In the year 2013, the total number of baptized ECUSA members was 2, 009, 084 worldwide. Most of the members were Americans located in USA. In USA, many of the followers live in Virginia, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Rhode Island, and New York. Haiti is where the largest dioceses is situated. Haiti is number two after the US in terms of the number of people who worship in it and are baptized.

There is a distinct structure in ECUSA as well as ways of electing leadership and conducting services. Congregations currently total to 6,622. The congregations have a vestry elected for each of them. The vestry is responsible for electing priests (rectors) in each parish. The diocesan bishop must approve elected priests. Rectors hold spiritual jurisdiction in the parishes they serve and assistant clergy are usually selected by them.

There are many differences in liturgical practices in ECUSA. Among the liturgical practices that are observed are vested clergy, liturgical dance, modern religious music, traditional hymns and anthems, charismatic prayer, and Anglican chant. The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is what binds together the various churches although services may differ among them. Services resemble those Roman Catholic Church in Structure and liturgy.

The center of Episcopal teachings is the life and resurrection of Jesus. Members believe that Jesus died and resurrected and that He is fully human and God at the same time. Jesus is believed to provide the way to eternal life. Members believe in the oneness of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Both the New and Old Testaments within the Bible were inspired by God.

ECUSA supports gay rights stating that gay individuals are children of God who deserve to be accepted and treated equally by the law. In 2003, the first gay bishop was elected. This election did not go very well for most prominent figures in the denomination and as a result, six dioceses separated from ECUSA.

A meeting was convened soon after election of the bishop with conclusions that the bishop should be removed from the position. Despite the warnings, the bishop continued to serve. Since then, ECUSA has experienced a massive drop in its membership with many people moving to other churches. As a result, it has dropped from the 14th position it held in the US in terms of size.

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