Christian Viewpoint On Prophecy Facts

By Catherine Russell

There are a variety of religions present in the universe today. All this acknowledge that they have an experience of divine revelation through the seers. These seers have the gift of forecasting into the future. Prophecy therefore is the process in which one or more messages are communicated by God to humankind. It is usually a gift to the prophets. They reveal the intentions of the days to come. Prophecy facts are indisputable thing or reality. Throughout this process, people should hear and comprehend the intended information.

Believers should be able to understand the heart and the mind of God. The Holy Spirit enables us to comprehend through faith. He also reveals of thing to come and has wonderful plans for our everyday. He guides our paths to these plans though the far seeing word of the almighty. His good intentions guide our daily walk of life.

Having the ability to hear and speak the word is way of understanding in depths of Lord. This also ensures that matters pertaining to spirituality are taken care of since one grows more in knowledge. Faith which refers to hoping for things unseen is increased. Difficult life situations become easier to deal with because of certainty of a better tomorrow. This is a characteristic worth having as one believing.

Speaking to humankind is through various ways. It could be in dreams or visions. This gives the image of occurrence in the mind. Lack of comfort or peace concerning a certain scenario, predictive word and also physical signs are some of means of communication. Different people experience either of these forms of communication about the future.

This ministry is important in the church today because of variety of reasons. It is the ability to build the physical and the spiritual worlds. It gives direction to people and the position they in their lives. It is also a way of using the gift the Lord has given to men. People who have a different gift altogether in spiritual matters are able to share in the blessings of those who have it.

This is a gift given to men by God. Through the word of wisdom, the Holy Spirit reveals to us how to solve problems and guides us on the same. Knowledge also helps us to understand the past or present certainties about a place, person or situation. Discerning other spirits is also part and parcel of this divine power.

To walk in supremacy, someone needs to seek God by dedicating time to him. This give insight for information and helps to get revelations. Sermons by the priest also enable to have understanding of the concept. What follows are blessings to those who believes in faith.

These messages of prediction typically involve inspiration or interpretation of divines will. It is an endless process for individuals who have accepted. Understanding is key and learning to listen to helper given to persons by Christ is paramount. Through it all, it is an evidence future certainty is fulfilled.

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