Learn More About On Prophecy Facts

By Rebecca Allen

Prophecy basically is a process where one or a number of messages are supposedly relayed from God. The messages are typically geared towards giving inspiration, some revelation or are meant for interpretation. The messages are also of divine will pertaining to the social world as well as events that are to happen. However, there are a few prophecy facts that you may need to know.

To begin with, prophecies are never limited to only a particular culture. In almost all societies across the world prophecies are a known property and some societies rely on it more than others. In addition, a number of rules and systems on prophecies have been adopted over several centuries and millennia.

Christian beliefs on prophecies are supported in the Holy Book and most prophecies are found in the New Testament. Christianity followers believe that a person who gives prophecies is gifted to do that by God. These people have been given the responsibility by God. To communicate what He wants. The messages may be given with an aim of extortion, edification and giving comfort to the faithful.

Muslims, on the other hand, believe that their holy book, the Quran gave predictions of a number of events prior to their happening. They, therefore, believe that the prophecies prove the divinity in the origin of their holy book. In addition, Muslims usually recognize the authenticity of prophecies in some other sacred texts including the Bible. Nevertheless, they have the belief that over the years, certain sections of the Bible have become corrupted; hence not every verse and prophecy is accurate.

The people following Judaism follow the Torah and they believe in it to give them guidance to do the will of God. They believe Torah also offers detailed information on the consequences that can befall people if they do not follow the guidelines that God outlined in the Torah. Judaists also believe that their book Torah has information on how God rewards allegiance to his instructions. They also believe that there have been numerous prophecies with different impacts and there have been great prophecies like the ones Moses conveyed.

At the same time, Native Americans also have their views on prophecies founded on and passed down through oral traditions. As a result, problems exist in their verification. Skeptics, on the other hand, attribute the passing of a most prophesies to coincidences that is possible by having sorts of vagueness contained in these prophecies.

The argument of skeptics is that a number of prophecies are actually invented. This is subsequent to the matching of facts to various circumstances. This notion is actually supported by the fact that most outcomes of prophecies become altered on the basis of the attachments and desires of seers of the prophecies.

Finally, the psychological links and understanding of prophecy remain largely unclear. It is a phenomenon that neurologists, as well as psychiatrists, refer to as an intuitive understanding, some kind of perception which bypasses our usual rational intellect and sensory channels. It is therefore linked to some bridge between the mystical self in an individual and other mystical bodies.

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