There seems to be a meanness and lack of civility in today's society that is frankly disturbing. Technology has brought great advancements, but it has also opened a floodgate of poor behavior on the part of a large segment of the population. This might be the perfect time to step back and take a look at what characterizes Godly wisdom, and how we exhibit, or don't exhibit, those characteristics.
Wisdom can be defined in a lot of ways. According to many theologians, God shows how wise He is by choosing the best goals and creating the best means to achieve them. Wise men obey God's commands. The Book of Proverbs says that becoming wise starts with fearing the Lord. From the Book of James comes a list of characteristics that exemplify God like judgment.
Humility is a virtue that Jesus Christ epitomizes. The greatest example of all was His willingness to die so that others might live. On the way to Golgotha, Christ was scorned, ridiculed, humiliated, and shamed. He bore it without remarking. In the Garden, He asked for relief from this burden, but accepted God's response. Jesus became a servant, who washed the feet of His disciples, when in fact He was their King.
Consideration is one virtue found in those who are wise. Considerate people have empathy toward others. They have a smile for everyone. Having a pleasant demeanor doesn't just lighten the load of their day, it lightens the load of everyone they have contact with during the day. Considerate people have good manners. This is more than please and thank you. It is the willingness to treat everyone the way they wish to be treated.
Wise people are peace lovers. Instead of creating division, they work to solve problems and bring people together. Mohandas Gandhi is considered by many to have been, after Jesus, the most peaceful man that ever lived. He believed in nonviolence and demonstrated it in his personal and public life.
Mercy is a trait of wise people. They are kind, quick to forgive, and compassionate toward others. One of the most famous examples of mercy to come out of the Revolutionary War involved Patrick Ferguson, a British soldier. He was known as a skilled marksman. He was leading an ambush and had George Washington within range. He didn't believe in shooting someone who couldn't see him however. Instead of killing Washington on the spot, he stood so the fight would be fair. American history might be been very different if he had not.
Sincerity is another trait of the wise. Sincere people are not dishonest or false. They are the ones you count on for an honest opinion. They don't gossip or judge. They don't say one thing to your face and something else entirely when you are somewhere else.
The path to wisdom can be bumpy. Most fail repeatedly to live up to the examples wise women and men set. That's not an excuse to stop trying. Every day is a new beginning with a new chance to get it right.
Wisdom can be defined in a lot of ways. According to many theologians, God shows how wise He is by choosing the best goals and creating the best means to achieve them. Wise men obey God's commands. The Book of Proverbs says that becoming wise starts with fearing the Lord. From the Book of James comes a list of characteristics that exemplify God like judgment.
Humility is a virtue that Jesus Christ epitomizes. The greatest example of all was His willingness to die so that others might live. On the way to Golgotha, Christ was scorned, ridiculed, humiliated, and shamed. He bore it without remarking. In the Garden, He asked for relief from this burden, but accepted God's response. Jesus became a servant, who washed the feet of His disciples, when in fact He was their King.
Consideration is one virtue found in those who are wise. Considerate people have empathy toward others. They have a smile for everyone. Having a pleasant demeanor doesn't just lighten the load of their day, it lightens the load of everyone they have contact with during the day. Considerate people have good manners. This is more than please and thank you. It is the willingness to treat everyone the way they wish to be treated.
Wise people are peace lovers. Instead of creating division, they work to solve problems and bring people together. Mohandas Gandhi is considered by many to have been, after Jesus, the most peaceful man that ever lived. He believed in nonviolence and demonstrated it in his personal and public life.
Mercy is a trait of wise people. They are kind, quick to forgive, and compassionate toward others. One of the most famous examples of mercy to come out of the Revolutionary War involved Patrick Ferguson, a British soldier. He was known as a skilled marksman. He was leading an ambush and had George Washington within range. He didn't believe in shooting someone who couldn't see him however. Instead of killing Washington on the spot, he stood so the fight would be fair. American history might be been very different if he had not.
Sincerity is another trait of the wise. Sincere people are not dishonest or false. They are the ones you count on for an honest opinion. They don't gossip or judge. They don't say one thing to your face and something else entirely when you are somewhere else.
The path to wisdom can be bumpy. Most fail repeatedly to live up to the examples wise women and men set. That's not an excuse to stop trying. Every day is a new beginning with a new chance to get it right.
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