A Good Community Oriented Church San Antonio TX Follows The Bible

By Kevin Hayes

Humans are divine creatures. They were made for a divine purpose. A human being is more than flesh and blood. Of course, the body serves vital purposes. It makes it possible to pursue day to day life. However, it should be remembered that both the body and the food will be destroyed at the end of time. What matters the most is the soul. A good community oriented church San Antonio TX is in the business of saving lost souls. The most important element in the existence of a human being is the soul.

Food tastes good in the tongue and it leaves a warm feeling in the stomach. However, at the end of it all, it is just but pure vanity. There is the food that when a person eats, he will never feel hungry again. This food is found in the Holy Bible. This is the most important book in planet earth. Actually, it is the most read and translated book.

In a good community oriented church, the Bible is at the core of everything. That is the reason why followers of this congregation will come to church with their Bible. One should not be ashamed to carry his Bible if he is a true Christian. A real believer will always be proud of his faith at all times.

The service of a good community oriented church will not be complete unless the pastor has delivered the sermon of the day. This will come directly from scripture. The pastor will read some Biblical verses and proceed to explain them in the best manner possible. The service will also have a section for testimonies and one for prayers.

The congregation in question will also observe Christian festivals core of which is Easter. Long before Easter, Christians should take some time to fast in preparation for one of the most important days in the Christian calendar. Christmas day is also vital. It is a day of great hope. There will also be the adherence to the various Biblical principles.

People need to be baptized before they can join a Christian congregation. A person who is not born a second time will not be able to go to heaven. That does not mean getting back to the womb. Instead, it implies baptism. One will enter the water an old creature and will come out of it as a new creature.

Baptism involves the forgiveness of sins. It marks the start of a new life. To be able to be forgiveness, one has to ask for forgiveness. That is the act of repentance. Every human being on earth is a sinner. That is due to the frail nature of human beings. Christians should take advantage of the dispensation of grace to repent and lead holy lives.

A true Christian values the Bible above everything else. He does everything possible to abide by Biblical principles. Heaven and earth will pass away but no single word of Scripture will pass without being fulfilled fully. Christian is based on the New and Old testaments. Prophesies of the old are fulfilled in the new. The New Testament starts with Mathew and ends with Revelation.

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