Sad Times With Rabbi Funeral

By Laura Long

It is so hard losing a loved one and this is especially so if not lived a full life but it was cut short. A Rabbi funeral in Jewish cases is what is called for and knowing a bit about the ceremony itself can leave one relaxed that all is taken care of. There is a set procedure that makes up the funeral and some of these points are noted here.

During this time, the bereaved are allowed to mourn the loss of a loved one and then are encouraged to get on with life because life is there to be lived. Sometimes this is difficult and one finds oneself mourning the loss years and months after the case. This is natural however, practices dictate that one only say for instance the Kaddish prayer for eleven months only.

Some also go so far as to cover mirrors and paintings hanging on the walls of the home as a sign of mourning. Some wear only socks around the house. These are traditions that are not practiced by all but for some, they have been handed down for the passed hundred of years.

This helps with the grieving process and takes the mind off the loss. Emotions are raw at this state and it is best to be kind to oneself in order to grieve completely. Some follow customs of sitting on a low bench or couch and even wearing socks around the house to show that one is in a state of mourning.

The coffin is not fanciful and expensive but is modestly made out of pine. It is customary to put soil from the Holy Land into the casket with the body. The body itself, should it be male, is wrapped in a prayer shawl or is put in white linen that is sewed around the body in order to enclose it completely.

In some communities, a piece of clothing worn is cut as a sign of mourning after which blessings are recited in honor of the dead. Once arriving at the gravesite, a Rabbi says a few words and says psalms out of the book of Tehillim. This book was written by King David many centuries ago and many find in it the healing they require.

Once prayers have been said mourners will say a prayer for the dead known as Kaddish. This prayer will be said for the next eleven months whilst mourners attend Synagogue for morning, noon and evening prayers. It is in respect of the dead so that their soul may be elevated and granted peace in the next world.

The Rabbi is there to enlighten and educate. It is best to be guided by him. Fulfilling the laws and dictates is in fact the healthy way to go about things.

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