Existence Of The Historical Jesus Revealed

By Maryanne Goff

There are a number of ancient sources that provide information about the life, ministry and death of Christ. Not all of these sources are of equal value but there is sufficient evidence of the historical Jesus revealed for the conclusion to be drawn that he did in fact exist, was crucified and his followers spread his teachings after his death.

An ancient Jew called Josephus, who was the court historian for Emperor Vespasian, made references to Christ. He referred to Jesus as a wise and virtuous man who had many disciples. He also writes about his brother James. In spite of some question about the exact wording of some of his phrases that were probably interpolated by Christian sources, he attests to the death of Christ by crucifixion, the report by the disciples of his resurrection appearances and the subsequent teaching of his message.

The Roman historian Tacitus referred to Christ and the fact that Pontius Pilate ordered his execution. He talks about the existence of early Christians. It is believed by some scholars that Tacitus may have gained his information about Christ from official records, perhaps from actual reports written by Pilate. Scholars generally feel his reference is genuine and of historical value.

Pliny the Younger, who served as a governor in Asia Minor and was known for the many letters he wrote, serves as a source of the behavior of the early Christians. He was personally in charge of interrogating Christians and ordered them to be executed unless they denied their faith. He relates that they met on a certain day, sang hymns and ate food together. He mentions that they came from a cross section of society, including all ages, sexes and classes. They worshiped Christ as a deity and made oaths not to commit unrighteousness.

The Talmud, a Jewish source, does not embrace Christ as a deity and would have had no reason to sanction his existence. However, it contains references to Jesus and his disciples. It refers to the fact that he was hanged and also mentions his disciples going before judges.

In his criticism of Christians for their gullibility, Lucien, a Greek, revealed that Christ brought new teachings in Palestine and was crucified because of them. He reveals some beliefs of these Christians, including the brotherhood of all believers and their belief in their immortality which he says made them scorn death. He says that they had no regard for material possessions.

Gnostic sources affirm that Christ became flesh, taking on a human body. They say that he spoke of himself as the son of man and the son of God. The Gnostic sources are somewhat questionable because of their theological character and when they were written. However, both Pliny and Lucian affirmed that Christians believed in the deity of Christ.

There is solid evidence of the historical Jesus revealed in ancient extra biblical sources. Most modern scholars of antiquity are in agreement as to the fact that he lived, was crucified and that his teachings spread after his death. Less than twenty years after his death Christian teachings had spread around the Mediterranean and reached Rome.

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