When Will The Rapture Happen Is A Question That Confuses Many People

By Lela Perkins

All Christians have one ultimate to spend eternity with Christ. Most Christians of today believe that this is going to occur when the rapture occurs. This event can take place at any time, and the church of Christ will disappear at one time and is going to meet up with Christ in the clouds. When will the rapture happen though? Deep bible study and research is going to have to be done for a person to decide when they think it's going to occur.

If you were to ask Christians of today when they think this event is going to occur, most would tell you that they think it is coming real soon. With all of the bad going on in the world and many prophecies being fulfilled from the bible, they have some valid points to believe it is near. With all of the wars, famine, earthquakes and other prophecies happening before our eyes, it does seem very possible that the rapture is due to occur at any moment.

A person must remember though that Christians of ancient times also believed that Christ would be returning during their life. Christ, himself, declared that nobody knows the time of his return. He also stated that not even the angels knew when he would return.

Some Christians, do not believe that a rapture is ever going to occur at all. They do await Christ returning to earth, but they don't believe that it is going to happen through the traditional rapture belief of people disappearing at one time and then meeting Christ in the air. Instead, they believe only that they'll meet up with Christ during the end when he returns to rule this earth.

Most people who have this belief frequently point out some versus in the great book of Thessalonians. Here, it talks about Christians being caught up with the Lord in the clouds. It must be noted that the word rapture never appears in the bible and for this reason, those who do not believe in it do not view it as a biblical teaching. They usually also point out that this theory was made famous by a lady named Margaret McDonald who lived during the 1800s and had visions that were in actuality demonic.

Believers in this event may sometimes disagree about the time it's going to occur. Some people have faith that it's going to occur before the terrible tribulation begins. Others, state that it will happen after the tribulation and state that God's people are going to have to go through the tribulation period. There are also those who think Christians are going to be here for some time during the tribulation but won't have to stay on earth for the whole thing.

Pre-tribulation believers often point out that God's people won't have to go through any tribulation sufferings. Post-tribulation believers point out God's need for faithful servants here on earth during that time more than anyone else to help witness to the people of the earth. Those who think that the event is going to occur during the tribulation believe that they'll be here for a short while but won't have to encounter the entire tribulation period.

Who is correct, and who has the correct answer? When will the rapture happen? This is an answer that someone is going to have to decide for themselves. It is not easy to come up with an answer without some serious bible study and research. It is one thing to listen to other people's opinions, but a person won't have a comfortable answer until they do the proper research themselves.

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