One wonderful aspect of Christianity is how easy it is to have an encounter with God. All you have to do is ask, with a sincere desire to meet God and a certain humility, also known as brokenness. No one who thinks himself the center of the universe will truly seek to know God.
When God reveals Himself to you, that's the first and perhaps most important encounter. A person who puts every hope in God's hands and believes that an answer will come is ready to be 'born again' to new life in Jesus Christ. The old life and the old man (human nature) dies when the heart and spirit bow before the Father, and a new, eternal life begins.
You need to confess that you are a sinner, as we all are, and that you cannot save yourself. Ask for His forgiveness and believe that Jesus paid the price for your wrongdoing when He died on the cross. As God raised Jesus up, He will also raise you up to new life as a child of God.
God made man to have a need to believe and to form relationships. Although people substitute almost anything for the Lord's presence, life works best when God and not man is in control. Men act because they want something in return: power, wealth, property, or other things to fill the need they feel but don't necessarily understand. God acts through love, asking only love and obedience in return. The first hours of salvation will be something you'll never forget.
The first encounter may be the sweetest and the most memorable, but it won't be the last. Jesus tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us, and that He will be present through every joy and every trial. His direction and guidance, as well as help, comfort, and healing, will make your life full of miracles and special moments that are more precious than gold.
Personal testimonies of answered prayer, help in times of danger or illness, and revelations of God's glory are fascinating. Those who don't believe may not believe these accounts, either, but they often are convinced. There are many, many cases where medical records document miraculous healings. There are many stories of supernatural rescues. All of us have seen God's glory in the sunset and in the stars.
Although the Lord will occasionally overpower His children - as the apostle John was knocked on his face by his vision of Jesus - He doesn't invade an un-surrendered life. It is possible to shut the Lord out. He promises to give even unbelievers the air, water, food, and even clothing they need, because God always hopes for a child's return. However, He'll allow a life to be lost for all eternity if that's a person's choice.
If you have not had an encounter with God, you are probably wondering what the point of life is, anyway. There is a point to our existence, and God holds the key. Think about it, look into your heart, and ask God to fill the void you find there.
When God reveals Himself to you, that's the first and perhaps most important encounter. A person who puts every hope in God's hands and believes that an answer will come is ready to be 'born again' to new life in Jesus Christ. The old life and the old man (human nature) dies when the heart and spirit bow before the Father, and a new, eternal life begins.
You need to confess that you are a sinner, as we all are, and that you cannot save yourself. Ask for His forgiveness and believe that Jesus paid the price for your wrongdoing when He died on the cross. As God raised Jesus up, He will also raise you up to new life as a child of God.
God made man to have a need to believe and to form relationships. Although people substitute almost anything for the Lord's presence, life works best when God and not man is in control. Men act because they want something in return: power, wealth, property, or other things to fill the need they feel but don't necessarily understand. God acts through love, asking only love and obedience in return. The first hours of salvation will be something you'll never forget.
The first encounter may be the sweetest and the most memorable, but it won't be the last. Jesus tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us, and that He will be present through every joy and every trial. His direction and guidance, as well as help, comfort, and healing, will make your life full of miracles and special moments that are more precious than gold.
Personal testimonies of answered prayer, help in times of danger or illness, and revelations of God's glory are fascinating. Those who don't believe may not believe these accounts, either, but they often are convinced. There are many, many cases where medical records document miraculous healings. There are many stories of supernatural rescues. All of us have seen God's glory in the sunset and in the stars.
Although the Lord will occasionally overpower His children - as the apostle John was knocked on his face by his vision of Jesus - He doesn't invade an un-surrendered life. It is possible to shut the Lord out. He promises to give even unbelievers the air, water, food, and even clothing they need, because God always hopes for a child's return. However, He'll allow a life to be lost for all eternity if that's a person's choice.
If you have not had an encounter with God, you are probably wondering what the point of life is, anyway. There is a point to our existence, and God holds the key. Think about it, look into your heart, and ask God to fill the void you find there.