Daily News Reports Increase Child Abduction Awareness

By Nora Jennings

There have been so many children taken that it seems impossible that anyone could be unaware of the danger. Every day a little one is taken from a seemingly safe place. It seems useful to take in all the news stories because child abduction awareness can make some of these horrendous kidnappings impossible.

In a recent case a mother ran into a grocery store to buy one item. She left her young daughter in the car because the weather was very cold. Five minutes later she returned to find her little girl gone. In a matter of minutes she had been abducted.

Numerous parents have left a son or daughter in the car in front of the home. They went back to carry out a baby. It only took minutes for the kid to be snatched out of the car.

It can happen just that fast. In some instances a boy leaves school to walk home with a group of friends. He vanishes between the school and the home.

Children taken seem to grow in numbers. Those above a specific age are instructed on how to stay safe. They must not walk close to a strangers car to answer a question. Some kidnappers will ask directions and pretend they cannot hear the answer. A child is lured close enough to pull in the automobile.

The second tip is to make all the noise they can so someone will notice. Kick, scream or bite to make the predator release his hold. Third, do not listen to anything a stranger has to tell them. Even a frail man or elderly woman may be trying to abduct them.

But, the smartest child under a certain age can be fooled. A stranger might look sad and ask them to help find a lost puppy. Someone they have seen while with a parent may convince the child to accept a ride home.

There are valuable precautions in place to keep children safe. None are released from school with anyone but the approved caretaker. A parent closes and locks windows at night.

Recent cases of girls abducted as teens have been in the news. Some have been held captive for as long as ten years. They may be threatened with terrible retribution if they try to escape.

When an abduction does occur, the police should be contacted immediately. If anyone sees a child being taken write down or memorize the license plate number. Remember any relevant details such as color of the vehicle or what the abductor looked like.

The legal community bears a degree of responsibility in letting sexual predators out of prison to become repeat offenders. A psychiatrist may give testimony as to his rehabilitation. In truth, the rapist cannot be rehabilitated.

Realistically speaking, a gambler could bet that the predator would harm another innocent child. He would, unfortunately, win that bet. All the precautions in the world cannot prevent abductions. How long will the legal system treat the predators with more consideration than it treats the victims. The rights of the innocent should not be secondary to the rights of the offenders.

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