Will The Antichrist Be A Muslim Is A Question That Confuse Many

By Marci Glover

There are many different traditional views regarding the issue of antichrist. Different people produce very different arguments and no one knows the true story behind this issue. Will the antichrist be a Muslim, a Jew or a roman? Some hold the belief that the man will descend from the European romans. This is believed because in the book of Daniel he is described as a prince that will descend from the people who destroy the temple. The roman destroyed the temple in 70 AD and therefore this take to be proof.

Different intellectuals have been looking over this topic to define whether this somebody will come from a gentile or a Jew lineage. Several have used the gospel of John to demonstrate that this individual can be a Jew. In section 43 of this scripture the arguments of Jesus Christ are seen to be cited saying that he has arisen in the tag of his father but he has not stayed received but someone else will arise in similar title and will be saluted. This declaration is reflected as proof that the antichrist is a Jew and they will receive him as their liberator.

Many other predictions by prophets in Old Testament counteract this proof saying the man will not be accepted by the Jews. In the revelation book it is seen that they will be very angry and cast off any man that claims to be their lord God.

Other researchers hold the argument that he must be gentile. They oppose the Jewish argument with the evidence that the man will be taken in by the Jews as a political leader when he implements the treaty that guarantees their security. He would also grant them the power of building the temple again.

This man will never be accepted by the Jew people as a spiritual messiah. They will only embrace him as their political head. Another study shows that he will come from the sea. The sea is a sign of the gentiles as it is shown in the bible.

A new idea has come up that he could possibly be Muslim. This is a new idea that has been awakening a lot of controversy due to the growing of the Islam as a religion and also the territorial goal of this religion to conquer the world of Allah who is their god.

The proof for this claim is the fact that the man is said to have risen from the Seleucid area in Greek hemisphere. This is in Assyria specifically. In the modern day this place is either Iraq or Syria which are areas mostly lived by people of Muslim religion.

Many scholars are rushing to prove who antichrist is by just looking at common headlines in the holy book rather than take time to analyze the scripture well and get to understand what they really mean. The important thing that they should know is that god has done great things and plans to do even more so they should stop paying too much attention on the horizontal matters.

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