Israel In Prophecy And The Four Blood Moons

By Elaine Guthrie

When one thinks of Israel, Jewish people often come to mind. Now, these people are returning to the homeland, many surprised at the willingness to do so. Others see this transition from the outer edges of Egypt and other areas of the Holy land as God bringing home those whom believed he had forsaken in earlier times as part of Israel in prophecy.

Over time, it has been asked why Israel is so often in the news. Israel is an important aspect of the Old Testament as well as the New in the Christian faith. And, extremely important to the Jewish people who were born, raised and exiled out of the land. Now, this homecoming for many in the Christian realm, also relates to the second coming of Christ as Lord and Savior.

Christians have now recognized the Jewish people returning to Israel as the fulfillment of an earlier prophecy. After which, there will be a series of eclipses which lead to the end of times. There is now a book "Four Blood Moons, " along with a movie in development which talks of these four eclipses and one solar eclipse, all taking place between 2014 and 2015.

Other Israeli prophecies are tied to the Moon. First, April 15, 2014 being a total lunar eclipse with three additional eclipses to follow. These eclipses combined are known as a Tetrad, with the second having taken place on October 8, 2014, the third on April 4, 2015 and the last to take place on September 28, 2015. One of only eight tetrads to occur in the 21st century.

Most scientists and scholars denounce the red of the moon as only being related to light scattering throughout the atmospheric regions of earth. As prophets recognize the solar eclipse as being part of the process, it is believed that the last solar eclipse in March of 2015 is the beginning of the end, and, that we have actually been in the seven years of tribulation since 2008.

There have always been zealots planning and professing the coming of Christ, the coming of the end or simply, the end of times in relation to the Mayan Calendar in 2012, another prophecy left unfulfilled like many others associated with Nostradamus. Some say the delays are due to human activity and intervention or simply a bad timeline while others just see the prophecies as false.

The book, "Four Blood Moons, " spent several months on the best seller list. After which, it gained great attention by the New Yorker and other publications. Several writers have written articles discussing the science behind these sequential eclipses though none have bought into the prospect as being part of Gods plan to bring an end to the world.

In fact, the red aspects of the moon during these eclipses is brought about from solar flares and dust from the earth; Still, many Christians and others are looking towards September 2015 being the next end of times. Whether or not this is the case is yet to be seen, though even believers believe that the "in an hour ye think not, the son of man cometh."-Matthew 22:44. Now whether that is in a second coming, or an answer to a prayer, also remains unknown.

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