A Look At A Talk Show About Surviving Oppression

By Frank Burns

There is oppression related to almost every human issue. It may be outright abuse, shunning of a person's ideas, or any of a myriad of differences in which oppressive actions occur. It may be widespread and public, or it may be a small group that is privately oppressed. There are those that survive it well, and those that don't handle it very well. One suggestion that is made is a talk show about surviving oppression, which can give a person or persons ideas about how to handle the issues involved.

One recommendation for dealing with the issue is to talk about it. Another recommendation is to teach those who are being oppressed how to deal with the situation even if it is ongoing. The best way, however, begins with talking about it instead of trying to hide it. Talk shows like TED talks or other public talk shows may well be the best answer.

If we don't get the conversations right, all the culturally responsive teaching in companies, classrooms, and the political arena, will not work. Part of this means to address it openly from both sides of any situation.

There are different ways to examine the issue, of which only one is the talk show. There are several dystopian shows that handle the idea of a society dysfunctional due to massive oppressive situations. Some are more like documentaries, and others are of a comedy nature. There is the danger of not "discussing" it right, however. Care must be taken.

Something that is interesting to many is the survival reality shows that address oppression certain areas. Some believe it helps to understand the problem, and others believe that the true nature as it occurs is not address. Some have professed interest in the programs, and others have complained about their being too depressing. Some believe that addressing the oppressed feelings may make some feel worse, and may make others feel they have a voice, at least in part.

The definition of oppression varies. What may be interpreted as oppressive to one may not to another. There are different forms of oppressive situations. Some are political, some racial, as well as marital and religious, as well as many other forms. When a person is made to feel a loss of personal freedom or freedom of expression, they will feel oppressed. The person doing the oppressive act may not even realize what they are doing, especially if they are not aware of others' feelings.

As long as one group of people have the desire or need to rule over another, there will be oppressive situations that constantly arise. Education, especially of the younger generation, can help alleviate some of the problems. However, it is not a quick fix. It is a generational thing that must take time to develop.

Talking about oppression is believed to be a solution, at least for the beginning. It is only one step, however. Teaching management of the situation to an oppressed person is only the beginning. It does not eliminate the problem. There may never be a complete solution, but helping a person recognize how they are treating others, especially if that person has lesser authority, education, or financial resources than themselves if a sure beginning.

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