Outstanding Qualities Of Strong Women In Christ

By Donald Cooper

Women were the last of God's creations as recorded in the Bible. The first of them that lived was named Eve. Eve is therefore considered to be the mother of all nations according to Christians. After her were prophet Deborah, Mary Magdalene, Virgin Mary, Ruth and others who are studied today in many Christian groups as strong women in Christ. When studying their lives, women today try to draw their outstanding characters and learn from them.

One of them is that they dressed decently. Every woman who claims to be in Christ must dress in nice apparel. They must not dress to expose parts of their body for the fear of luring men and leading them to fornicate in their heart. Christ said that even in the heart, adultery can be done (Matthew 5:28).

The way she behaves is praiseworthy too. Thus, her dressing is not the only mark of her devotion to God as is the case with other women today. She cannot give attention to any other man apart from her husband. She tries to avoid anything at all that will make her feel far away from the Holy Spirit.

A godly woman is pleased to say the truth at all times. Even though telling some lies may bring some monetary benefits, she would rather decide to remain poor than get involved in cooking the financial records. All her employers soon know her and deprive her of handling sensitive positions such as the office of the treasurer, financial secretary or the president.

She is not troublesome except to the kingdom of darkness for she prays and learns from others more than the way she talks. You will rarely see her in a position to teach except by the leading of the Holy Spirit. In the church, many people like to hear her contributions for they are lessons with practical life applications to help men and young women to be like God.

She is not a hypocrite, being known only outside as a good person and not at home. Instead, her husband continuously gives her praise and he is not ashamed to be identified with her in public. Happy are her children for they shall always rejoice. These strong women are typical examples of what Proverbs 31:10-31 says about virtuous women.

A strong woman in the Lord is always looking out for the needy to help them. She prepares meals for her servants and asks of the whereabouts of her friends just so that she can come in to help them where she can. She joins the church for hospital and prison ministration.

She sees it as a need to pray to God in season and out of season. To her, praying a number of times in the morning and evening is not a big deal and she does not miss her morning devotion to God. Her neighbors like her to be their children's mentor.

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