How Futuristic Technology In The Field Of Science And Medicine Gives Hope To The Sick

By Georgia Diaz

There are already many predictions that were thought to be before as futuristic technology but are now slowly becoming a reality. There are many of this kind of predictions that you can read on the internet. Some of these predictions were authored by experts in science and technology.

At least, not until the Wright brothers have invented the first device that would take man up in the air and allow him to travel. They were once thought before as crazy for their crazy ideas. Then there is the landing of the moon, which was again once considered impossible to happen but it did.

On the average individual, when you hear the term robotics, a vision of an iron clad man operated by batteries and computer will come to mind. He is expected to do everything that is programmed unto his mind. His brain is a computer chip.

All what he is supposed to do is programmed into that tiny chip. At least, this is what the vision of an average man of a robot, which is also inspired by having watched a lot of sci fi movies and the sequel of Terminator. The machines and devices that people have now, that are using in manufacturing companies and in households can be classified as robotics.

That means not going back anymore to Earth. The idea of a colony in another planet was first seen in in the movie Alien where Sigourney Weaver landed in a certain planet that was inhabited by aliens. Well, if you are not a native of a place you are considered an alien.

If you notice newborns and children are immunized. Mothers follow a set of immunization for their children to protect such illnesses. Children get immunized for polio, hepatitis A and B and other diseases. The vaccine is injected into the person or child to make him immune to the disease.

And you still believe in the goodness of the hearts of people. People are scared that these sci fi movies will no longer just fiction on screen. Some people are paranoid and are afraid that one day machines will overcome people and will rule the Earth instead. Yes, that is so Terminator in thought. They will become a reality in the future.

You can understand why they keep it a secret because media and other people can sensationalize them, thereby creating panic. Imagine what will happen to the rest of the world if panic ensues. It will be more than chaos.

Anyone can write anything on the web. You should have a very good source. Check resources. There are many resources that you can find. There are many websites that deal topics about science and advancement of the future. You are even free to think about something that has not been invented yet because that is what this whole thing is all about. Futuristic technology can be good or bad to society.

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