The Old Testament of the Bible tells the history of Joshua as the head of the Israelites. He was borne in Egypt and his father was called Nun. At the time, Moses was leading the Israelites.
Initially when he was borne, he was called Hosea and his father was called Nun. However Moses who was the leader of the Israelites then changed his name to Joshua. This name means the Lord is Salvation. This was an indication that he was true savant of God.
It is necessary to also not at this point that both Joshua and Caleb are the only Jews who believed on the workings of God. The other Jews did not believe that God could rescue them. As a result, God sent all the Jews to wonder in the wilderness for about forty years in order to punish them for failing to have faith. While in the wilderness, thy faced a lot of problems until some of them started regretting and blaming Mosses for having taken them to the wilderness. They even started worshiping other Gods. All the Jews who did not believe in God perished and did not make it to the end of the forty years.
After coming from the wilderness, Mosses died and therefore the obedience and faithfulness of Joshua to God saw him become the new leader of Israelites who would take them to the Promised Land. After taking the leadership, he continued to consult with God in every moves and undertakings in leading the Israelites. Just like Mosses, he was able to perform several miracles which made the Jews to believe in him that he was God sent. The prominent miracle he performed was when he was leading the soldiers to go and conquer the city of Jericho.
He took over the leadership of the Jewish after the death of Moses for twenty eight years. During his tenure as the leader of the Jew, he fought many battles and followed the instructions of God to the latter. He One of the battles concurred by Joshua was that one of Jericho.
While the Army of the Jews were going to fight Jericho, they got stacked at the shores of river Jordan. The river was flooded and that was the only way they were to follow in order to reach the land. Joshua after consulting God placed the Ark of the Covenant to the river and the river stopped flowing.
RoundsThis is because she housed Joshua and Caleb and helped them to come out from Jericho. This then allowed the Jews to occupy the city. Also in regard to the battle of Gibeon, he performed a miracle of making the sun to stand until after the battle was completed.
God had instructed that the soldiers should go round the city for six days before invading. They were also instructed to go round seven times on the seventh day before shouting. Under the command of Joshua, the soldiers followed the instruction and on the seventh day after shouting, the wall of the city feel down and they were able to conquer Jericho killing every one with an exception to the Rehab and her family. The other miracle performed by Joshua was making the sun to stand still until they won the battle of Gibeon. The history of Joshua is therefore significant in the life of the Israelites.
Initially when he was borne, he was called Hosea and his father was called Nun. However Moses who was the leader of the Israelites then changed his name to Joshua. This name means the Lord is Salvation. This was an indication that he was true savant of God.
It is necessary to also not at this point that both Joshua and Caleb are the only Jews who believed on the workings of God. The other Jews did not believe that God could rescue them. As a result, God sent all the Jews to wonder in the wilderness for about forty years in order to punish them for failing to have faith. While in the wilderness, thy faced a lot of problems until some of them started regretting and blaming Mosses for having taken them to the wilderness. They even started worshiping other Gods. All the Jews who did not believe in God perished and did not make it to the end of the forty years.
After coming from the wilderness, Mosses died and therefore the obedience and faithfulness of Joshua to God saw him become the new leader of Israelites who would take them to the Promised Land. After taking the leadership, he continued to consult with God in every moves and undertakings in leading the Israelites. Just like Mosses, he was able to perform several miracles which made the Jews to believe in him that he was God sent. The prominent miracle he performed was when he was leading the soldiers to go and conquer the city of Jericho.
He took over the leadership of the Jewish after the death of Moses for twenty eight years. During his tenure as the leader of the Jew, he fought many battles and followed the instructions of God to the latter. He One of the battles concurred by Joshua was that one of Jericho.
While the Army of the Jews were going to fight Jericho, they got stacked at the shores of river Jordan. The river was flooded and that was the only way they were to follow in order to reach the land. Joshua after consulting God placed the Ark of the Covenant to the river and the river stopped flowing.
RoundsThis is because she housed Joshua and Caleb and helped them to come out from Jericho. This then allowed the Jews to occupy the city. Also in regard to the battle of Gibeon, he performed a miracle of making the sun to stand until after the battle was completed.
God had instructed that the soldiers should go round the city for six days before invading. They were also instructed to go round seven times on the seventh day before shouting. Under the command of Joshua, the soldiers followed the instruction and on the seventh day after shouting, the wall of the city feel down and they were able to conquer Jericho killing every one with an exception to the Rehab and her family. The other miracle performed by Joshua was making the sun to stand still until they won the battle of Gibeon. The history of Joshua is therefore significant in the life of the Israelites.
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