3 Tips To Get A Guy To Fall For You

By Sasha H. Peterson

How do you get the attention of that cute guy that you've always wished would ask you out? Is a baseball bat an option or should you go for something a little more subtle? Often it is the very man that we wish would ask us out that we feel invisible to. Attracting his attention and letting him know in a subtle way that we are attracted to him can be a challenge but not impossible. How can you cut him away from the herd of women that are competing for his attention and make him see that you're truly something special?

Short of asking him out yourself, there are many ways to create a connection with that special guy. While being up front and honest might be refreshing, pushy women are often a turn off for most men. A man still wants to be a man and you probably wish that he would approach you first. You want him to chase you. You want that romantic feeling that he picked you and not the other way around.

Throughout the entire dating process including the attraction phase, it's a good idea to be yourself. Even if you know a few things about him, his likes and dislikes, it's important that you be yourself. It can be embarrassing if he finds out that you were deceitful or if you lied about something later on in the relationship. Even mundane or insignificant things will make a guy wonder. After all, if you are able to be deceitful about something small then there's a good chance that you can lie about something big at a later date. Even if you know that he is a big sports nut and he loves football, avoid the temptation to try to make him believe that you're a football fan too. A guy can tell and you're not fooling anyone.

Be proud of who you are. If you didn't graduate from college, be truthful. Your success wasn't dependent upon a piece of paper. If where you grew up wasn't necessarily the best part of town, he will admire you for how wonderful you are in spite of this fact. It might not be necessary to unload all of your baggage on him within the first few dates but being honest about who you are and being true to yourself is easier and he will find it refreshing.

When you are together, spend more time listening that talking. Most women are more talkative than men. It can be tempting to monopolize the conversation, especially if he is asking a lot of questions. Take control a little and find out about him. He might not be one to brag but every guy has something that they're proud of. Find out what that is. Take his lead and ask similar questions. Dig deep into his life and who he is. Each answer has the potential for more explanation. Understand how his mind works and what his thought process is as you uncover more about his life. Before you know it, he will be sharing things with you that he hasn't shared with anyone other than his closest friends. This kind of bond will bring you into his inner circle and solidify your place in his life.

Try to be as happy and optimistic as possible. Smile, laugh and be happy. While everyone has troubles in their life, avoid sounding negative at all cost. Women who are bubbly and vivacious are often the ones that you will see with many men chasing after them. There is a reason behind this. Men like to be around happy women. They're fun and nobody enjoys spending time with someone that is depressed or who complains about life. Even if you have something to complain about, laughing it off or being optimistic about the fact that things will make him look at you as strong and different from other women.

If you feel that flirting is out of style or just not your thing then think again. Flirting is one of the most powerful weapons that you have in your arsenal to get the attention of the man of your dreams. Men are visual so anything that you can do to visually allow him to get the message that you're interested in him will work. He might not hear your words but if you wink at him, he will get the message. If you flip your hair and then look up at him through a lock of hair, he will forget what his name is. Flirting works and if you think that it won't work for you then there is surely another girl out there that will prove to you that the guy you're interested in is susceptible to flirting.

Getting the attention of any guy is simple. Try some of these methods out and practice them on unsuspecting victims and you will find that in time there isn't a guy alive that is immune to your advances. You will become a pro at getting a guy's attention and making him ask you for his number. These methods are so seductive that he will even think that it was his idea to date you in the first place. Have fun most of all and good luck with getting the attention of that cute guy that you're dying to date.

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