Knowing How To Be Saved By Jesus

By Essie Osborn

Human beings live in a world that is filled with such harmful things such as sex, music and drugs. They do not even know how to be saved by Jesus and this is a true crime. Luckily there are so many holy people around who will try to save their souls whenever possible.

The fanatics will tell everyone that a person either has to go through baptism, show kindness to others, keep their body clean from drugs, stay out of sinful relationships, confess their sins, attend church or respect their elders in order to gain God's love. There are quite a few people who allow preachers to baptize them during certain times of the year.

Anyone who does not go through a baptism will not gain a place into God's world. The body has to be cleansed of all sins which exist within it. In order for someone to become a true Christian they have to have their head drenched with water. This act only takes a few minutes and it is painless.

Individuals who show kindness to other people that are less fortunate are sure to gain respect from a higher power. Sometimes an individual can do certain things during the holidays for people who are in need. Many people will prepare meals for the homeless whenever Christmas or Thanksgiving draws near. This is one way that they can show the world that they are caring individuals who will not let their fellow man suffer from hunger. The churches really inform their members to get involved in this act.

Teenagers often think it is funny whenever they start using drugs or drinking alcohol with their friends. Unfortunately they are headed for total destruction once they begin to use these illegal items. Eventually their bodies will be destroyed by every bad chemical that goes into it. The devil is always delighted to see many young people ruin their futures and reputation. In order to gain Christ's respect every individual must stay away from anything that is toxic to their system.

All go Christians advise their people to avoid any group that goes against the Bible. This includes homosexuals and atheists. Atheists do not believe in God and they will do anything to destroy people who do believe in this powerful leader. Sometimes an atheist will set up their own church which questions everything about Christianity. Christian people are encouraged not to watch television series that have homosexual characters within them since they are an abomination to God.

Satan loves to trick young people into buying music that encourages bad behavior. For years church members have tried to ban musical acts like Madonna, Ozzy Osbourne and KISS from holding concerts within their community. These entertainers will surely cause someone to lose their seat in Heaven.

Individuals can also seek salvation by confessing all of their sins to a priest or some other type of pastor. This process can be done on a daily basis especially within the Catholic religion. People around will experience a spiritual cleansing while attending church on Sunday. When they are among other Christians they are able to converse about all the good things that God does.

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