More Information About YWAM DTS Locations

By Essie Osborn

Youth with a Mission is a Christian organization which was started by Loren Cunningham and his wife in Hawaii in the sixties. It has gone from strength to strength, drawing young and old across the world that do a lot of good work. There are many YWAM DTS locations that you can choose from, should you be thinking of taking on something like this.

This is a Christian organization that you study at for three months at, and once that is complete you will head off to a country of your choice where you will do some mission work. Usually you can choose from a couple of countries. You will join a team of people and you will participate in a range of activities which can be hugely rewarding.

A lot of young people decide to do this after school as part of a gap year. It can be a lot better than traveling aimlessly overseas for a year. This is something that teaches you about life. There are lots of challenges along the way, but this is part of growing up. You will also be living and working with others, which is half the challenge.

This organization started in the sixties in Hawaii and from there it has just expanded, and it is growing all the time. There are bases opening everywhere, some of which are very small set in villages and towns, and others are found in big cities where people might prefer to find themselves. This is entirely up to the individual.

During this time there are various things that students get involved in. It is a three month theory course, with a little practical of going to the communities and doing some mission work. Most of the time they will be in lectures and learning about the Christian faith. They will also be preparing for the up and coming mission trip.

There are many different places that you can choose from, and new bases are being built as the months go on. There is almost a base in every single country, so you don't have to travel too far in order to reach a place that you feel at home at. You will be able to go somewhere more local, but on the other hand you can also travel overseas.

Everyone is different and some people want more of an adventure out of this experience. They may want to go to a city where there are a lot of lost people and where there are slums. Some people have a specific calling. Then again, some people are happier going to a much smaller village where things seem to be quieter.

There may be a particular program that is only available at one base and it is not on offer anywhere else. There are many things that you can do after your DTS, and you may want to plan for that. Some people feel that they have a special calling to be full time missionaries, but you need to do this course before you can start to work for YWAM.

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