Will The Antichrist Be A Muslim Or Just An Unfounded Theory

By Essie Osborn

Religion has always been opium of the people; it is so full of assumptions that it will remain one of the most commonly misunderstood parts of human life. The most interesting part is where many religious leaders and followers ask questions about the events that will take place before the Day of Judgment. The most common question is will the antichrist be a Muslim?

The approach that many people have is that the beast is most likely going to come from the Islam community. However, there is no religious information, facts or proof recorded about this. The Bible itself talks about the beast but does not really say who he is according to the Book of Revelation. According to Koran, the Islam community believes in Jesus but there are no indications in the same religion that they are going to rebel against him.

There shall come a time when people will not live for the truth. People will love lies so much that they will start to go against the living word of God and the facts about Jesus. Sad enough, there are always people who are busy working to lead others stray and if anything, these are the antichrist.

The term antichrist actually means someone against the teaching of Christ. If you take a closer look at the epistles of John, you will realize that there are already so many antichrists among humankind. The problem with most Christians is that they do not have the power to recognize the presence of this individual because they are ignorant, blinded or have not read the exact words of the Bible about what is to take place before the Day of Judgment.

A new beginning shall rise, a new life, a secretive and hidden destruction shall rule over the lives of many. The antichrist shall sign a peace treaty with people, which he later shall go against during his reign on his already established earthly kingdom. There is going to be a global system of apostate religion, economy and politics. There is going to be a great tribulation before the second coming of Jesus and the antichrist definitely has the chance to manipulate the world before this time.

Another Biblical approach to this matter talks about the many deceivers that already exist on the surface of the earth. According to the second epistles of John in the New Testament, there are deceivers who are already misleading people asking them to lead a different life, which is against the gospel of truth. These are the antichrists for real.

I seem quite certain the antichrist shall rise from the Roman Empire. This must come to pass according to the vision seen by Daniel during the time he was alive. If his claims are true, then the person he is speaking about is similar to the one spoken about in the book of Revelation.

If then what Daniel saw is synonymous to the vision of John in the island of Patmos, the antichrist cannot come from Islam community. If not, there are still questions surrounding the Roman Empire. Besides that, there is really little to prove that an Islam could be the antichrist.

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