One often wonders what exactly it means to be a cold case psychic. Perhaps you have seen an FBI documentary on television that involves such a person. Many of you may not even believe in the paranormal and might think it is all a bunch of made up stories just to increase viewer ratings. But, for the select few of you that do believe in the extraordinary these people bring you new hope and belief that some good can still come from evil.
When you hear the word paranormal you immediately associate it with something dark and sinister. This is in fact not what paranormal means. It is quite sad that the world of television has conditioned you to believe this, or to jump to the sinister conclusion. No, paranormal simply means an event or occurrence that is out of the ordinary and unexplainable by scientific means.
Some are born with a sixth and even seventh sense. For these people clues and witness testimonies mean nothing. They go purely on what they "feel" and "see" in their minds eye. They will normally talk the victim's family and friends to get a sense of who this person was. Then they will somehow communicate with this individual.
It must be truly amazing to walk in the world beyond this one. To feel the touch of someone hundreds of miles away or to hear the voice of someone long deceased. Perhaps you have a weak stomach for these things, and then you might not want to dwell too long on that thought.
You may think that most of the stories you hear or documentaries you watch about psychics are fake but think twice. Just because you may not believe in something does not mean it is not real. If you need more convincing evidence than what you see on television then perhaps you could talk to one of these individuals personally to understand their phenomena better.
Telepathy is definitely not a new phenomenon. Centuries ago people lived with this same gift and it was often miss-diagnosed as possession by an evil spirit or an unhealthy mind. Little did these people know they were possessed by a great talent that would be respected by most of you today?
Whatever the motivation for calling someone like this in to help you can be sure they are not just selling their gifts for others to believe. They are dedicated and committed until the end. You have often heard of cases where they have endangered themselves in the process but refuse to give up until they find their answers.
With so many devoted people on earth looking out for us we should feel quite safe. But we do not. Reality however is that life is dangerous and sometimes evil. When things turn for the worse we can be sure to lean on the shoulders of these individuals for help. We should truly thank them for sharing their gifts with the rest of us.
When you hear the word paranormal you immediately associate it with something dark and sinister. This is in fact not what paranormal means. It is quite sad that the world of television has conditioned you to believe this, or to jump to the sinister conclusion. No, paranormal simply means an event or occurrence that is out of the ordinary and unexplainable by scientific means.
Some are born with a sixth and even seventh sense. For these people clues and witness testimonies mean nothing. They go purely on what they "feel" and "see" in their minds eye. They will normally talk the victim's family and friends to get a sense of who this person was. Then they will somehow communicate with this individual.
It must be truly amazing to walk in the world beyond this one. To feel the touch of someone hundreds of miles away or to hear the voice of someone long deceased. Perhaps you have a weak stomach for these things, and then you might not want to dwell too long on that thought.
You may think that most of the stories you hear or documentaries you watch about psychics are fake but think twice. Just because you may not believe in something does not mean it is not real. If you need more convincing evidence than what you see on television then perhaps you could talk to one of these individuals personally to understand their phenomena better.
Telepathy is definitely not a new phenomenon. Centuries ago people lived with this same gift and it was often miss-diagnosed as possession by an evil spirit or an unhealthy mind. Little did these people know they were possessed by a great talent that would be respected by most of you today?
Whatever the motivation for calling someone like this in to help you can be sure they are not just selling their gifts for others to believe. They are dedicated and committed until the end. You have often heard of cases where they have endangered themselves in the process but refuse to give up until they find their answers.
With so many devoted people on earth looking out for us we should feel quite safe. But we do not. Reality however is that life is dangerous and sometimes evil. When things turn for the worse we can be sure to lean on the shoulders of these individuals for help. We should truly thank them for sharing their gifts with the rest of us.
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